Monday, October 31, 2011

Neighbour pisses me off

I have no problem with the neighbours in my house, or the twin house behind us but the people next door are filthy. Almost two weeks ago they put some trashy furniture outside our wall, and today it is still there. Wouldn't you think that if somebody hasn't fetched the stuff in a few days, that you should bin it?

This afternoon a few teenager boys ripped the bed apart, which btw was already not whole. And it's still there, looking awful outside "my" house. Who are these people in the house next door? Idiots?

Simply the best!

Got a rerun of the performance on my birthday tonight. Fantastic!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A brand new mouse pad

Once I had a mousepad with a pic of a cat in a glass. Due to extensive use and bad quality, it is gone since many years. Since then I have wanted to have a new one, and to my delight I found a website where you can send in your own pics, and get a customized mousepad for less than 20 francs.

Guess the pics I chose?

Friday, October 28, 2011

The cutest

Cannot help it, my cats are the cutest!

Wine stand

I'm a genius! I managed to put together the wine stand I got for my birthday. Now I'm thinking it's too nice to have in the basement, so at least for now it'll stay in the flat. Gotta have someplace to put all the bottles I got!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Metal corks

Closing the chapter now on my birthday. Really hope I didn't forget to mention anything or anybody. Very grateful for all of you who chose to spend the day with me.

Anyway. I pride myself on being very environmentally friendly. I live in a "minergy" house, I have no car, I put the oven on only when I put the stuff in there, I never leave lights on in a room I'm not in. I don't have a bathtub. And I sort trash as much as Zürich allows.

Which doesn't mean very much, but I collect carton to be put on the pavement outside the house once a month. Same with paper. Empty bottles goes to the bottle bank (not by themselves but with me carrying them stupid). And I wash only after 22.00 at night or on Sundays, when electricity is cheaper.

Now when a friend even more friendly to the environment was visiting, I learned that the little metal corks on my housewine cannot be thrown into the normal trash, but have to be brought to the bottle banks, whereof one contains metal trash. He ruined it for me! Now I cannot just throw it into the trash and feel good about it,'cause I know he's right. Damn!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Party XXXV

Oh the desserts! Friends brought carrot cake, chocolate brownies, chocolate cake, apple pie, sweet rolls and cheesy rolls. Unfortunately I don't have any pics, but they were all delicious.

So now I can lean back, eat lots of sweets and become fat. I have finally reached the age where I don't care anymore. Fab!


A bottle and a little something for the cats! They love it, even though they managed to rip the string off and drag it into my bedroom, where I was asleep. Guess they wanted me to repair it. Which of course I did.

Thanks A!


No bottle (!), but a beautiful flower. Thanks N and N!

Bottles on the pic are for picnic, hehe, and given to me by a traveller.


I think it is safe to say that nobody, apart from a relative, think that there is a risk I'll become an alcoholic. Why else would I get so many bottles?

Thanks P for the great magnum!

Party XXXI

Surprisingly enough a bottle (!), a CD and a little game to play with my male friends, haha.

Thanks E and A!

Party XXX

A modern plate fitting straight into my purple/pink/blue theme on the living room wall.

Thanks R!

Party XXIX

Probably the funniest present! Two bottles with Finnish Koskenkorva (strawberry and cranberry) clad in two life vests, to later be used for the cats going on the boat! As well as a beautiful Iittala bowl, big brother to the one I already have. And filled with chocolate!

Thanks so much M!


And to fit all my bottles I got two wine stands (still to be put together) and of course some more wine. Thanks A and R!


Thanks K for the bottle! Especially appreciate the nice purple bag :)!

Party XXVI

Hey, another bottle plus a crystal bowl! Some candy and books for a rainy day. Thanks K, L, M, G and S!

Party XXV

Interesting present from the neighbour downstairs, from his own garden. The cats have already gnawed on it. And of course a wine bottle!

Thanks G!

Party XXIV

My little ones behaved impeccably during the party. They were locked in my bedroom with access to their bathroom and food. Not even a miaow the whole evening, not that we'd heard due to the noise level in my flat!


It's a tad difficult to remember who gave me which presents, but I'm fairly sure this is from A and I. Heart-shaped pasta, wine and an orchid. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Party XXII

Thanks K for the lovely flowers you sent!

Party XXI

This is the only present I am not sure what to use for. It says it's a suncatcher for the balcony, and I think I'm supposed to hang it so that it catches the sun, but the thingies are of glass and will probably crash into the windows if it's windy. But thanks K, will contact you and ask how to do.

Party XX

A glass plate to be used for evenings having cheese and possibly a glass of wine :) well as a cat with green eyes! And again a special thanks to C for all the help in the evening!

Thank you so much C and H!

Party XIX

Vouchers for my fav wine shop. You guys really shouldn't have! But many thanks P and A!


A champagne-cooler that will certainly come to good use in this household and beautiful flowers. Even Zina thought it was a great gift. Thanks U and M!

Party XVII

And from this friend I got no less than 5 bottles! But I know what to do. Will invite him for dinner, so that we can enjoy the fantastic wines he got me. I know this guy, he is a connoisseur so there are no cheap Chardonnays in there.

Thanks B!

Party XVI

What can I say? My friends know what I like. Thank you Herr E!

Party XV

Present from a non-smoker, freshener (I get the somewhat subtle hint!) but at least it is purple! And whaddayaknow, a little something to drink as well as something for the cats. Although I'm not sure they will enjoy!

Thanks N and C!

Party XIV

Very thoughtful present. Chocolate in a milk can with all the flags of the cantons and their respective names. Will come to good use for a Swiss-wannabe like myself.

Something to drink for me, and something for the cats. Thanks B!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Party XIII

I have visitor statistics for my blog, and I can normally see which provider they use, which means I can sometimes figure out which friend who is reading my blog. Not that I look at it all the time, but I noticed over the weekend that I had fewer visitors than usual.

Probably because most of them were here! And today I had a record. Over 50 visitors! Pretty sure my guests were looking how the pics of themselves turned out :).

Party XII

What I like about my friends at the party, is that they are so fantastically diverse.

Not only were there 13 nationalities from 3 continents, but their ages ranged from 30 to 80, it was a mix of singles to people who have been married for longer than I (or maybe they?) care to remember. There were people who were single children, to one who has 11 siblings! Managers, employees, non-employed and workers were present. Together I am certain we spoke more than 10 languages!

This became apparent when they were singing Happy Birthday for me. Not entirely sure but it was made in English, Spanish, German, Swedish, Romanian, Finnish, Norwegian (almost :) and another few languages, unknown to me.

Diversity rocks! Or is that no longer a popular saying? Oh gosh, am I getting old :)?

Party XI

I was born 00.25 and we stayed up until that time. The package that was sent to me without sender information was opened just after. It contained a fabulous black/white painting of Zürich, my new home town. Thanks B & U!

Party X

Brunch the day after, and remembering all the fun from the party. It is so empty now when everybody left, but gotta admit the cats love it! They were locked in my bedroom, being terrified! Now they have sniffed the whole flat again, making sure all foreigners are gone, and being very cuddly with me.

Party IX

Party VIII

I love this friend for singing "Simply the best" and "Stand by me" a cappella for me! It was a fantastic performance!

Party VII

Please observe I didn't choose this friend, it's a relative!

But I am inclined to forgive him 'cause of the speech he held, and the song he was singing, even though it ended with calling me a drunk!

Party VI

Party V