Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spare time

I don't know what's happening to me. Yesterday I went shopping for two little Christmas presents to Bro, and today I bought about 5 kg's of spareribs for Saturday. I am becoming a planner. Usually I'm last minute. And being Tuesday and all, I should be on my merry way out and all I want to do is to pre-taste some spare-ribs, pour a glass of glühwein that somehow got leftover from the weekend and curl up on the sofa with West Wing. These are bad signs. What I bought? One calendar with one post-it note per day for 2009 including a joke or a saying from "The Office", and one pair of jockeys. I was going to buy Calvin Klein, which I remember Bro had me shell out for a couple of years ago but I just couldn't bring myself to pay 49 Swissies for a pair of underwear. For myself I usually buy two pairs for 9.90 CHF in Migros. He will just have to do with Jockey for 19.90. The spareribs are for Saturday. Am having 5 men over for dinner, and that should do it I hope. Was instructed to do something with meat and what is more meaty than real Swiss spareribs? And a lot of them too. Mmm, hungry now.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, I thought only mothers and grandmothers bought people briefs for Christmas, although that photo you posted a while back does suggest he needed new ones

Witchbitch said...

Yes indeed, and somebody's gotta have to look after him. Apparently.