Friday, January 08, 2010


If I had enough money to live a good life and then some extra I would in one shape or form give it to charity. Not just give money, because I'd never feel sure they end up in the right place. Actually the last thing I want to do is to line some already fat cats pockets. No, I would give active support to somebody who needs it. Like the homeless. It's not like I do not care about kids, but they have so many already. I'd like to focus on the less fortunate in the world, like homeless. I am sincerely interested in how they ended up being homeless. I'm pretty certain noone is growing up having a childhood dream like "yes, I'm gonna be homeless when I grow up!". Many mornings I pass a woman standing outside Coop selling "Surprise". This is the newspaper the homeless sell to earn some extra money. Every morning I pass her thinking about how she ended up there. Next time I see her I will talk to her! That is my New Years resolution (so ok I'm a late starter but at least I promise!).


Anonymous said...

So whats your plan to support actively without just giving money? I reckon Surprise, or The Big Issue as its called here, is a good idea but have to admit I almost never buy it, I dont know why. A lot of the people who sell it here arent actually homeless, but thats not necessarily an issue, probably selling it has led them to no longer be homeless. Anyway, good luck with this one.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I guess I start with buying Surprise. In German.

robert said...

and? did it?? see you next week on "your place"...gruss robby

Witchbitch said...

Yes I did. Was even reading an article in Surprise!

See you Tuesday!