Monday, February 01, 2010

Diet update II

Yes I folded yesterday. Sunday seems to be the day when one has time to think about food. However, I did only eat the toppings on the pizza and left the whole bread-thing alone. Don't ask me about the Häagen-Dazs choc-chip!! But the Michelin tyre around my waist is now more like a bicycle tyre. Ok, perhaps a mountainbike but still. And half a success is better than the alternative. I will continue for a while yet.


Anonymous said...

but I thought that was what you were supposed to eat - all fat but no carbs?

anyway no one can keep to that kind of diet forever can they? The only way I could even attempt to stick to something like that would be knowing that it was only for a short while. The idea of no bread, no pasta, no potatoes for good - ugh, its too much to bear. but than again I'm not much of a believer in diets (probably explains my ever widening arse).

Witchbitch said...

I'm afraid Häagen-Dazs is not exactly carb-free, but otherwise you're right. And I won't do this forever, only until I feel like a greyhound :)

How's it going with that not eating chocolate thing?

Anonymous said...

pretty well. less than two weeks to go

Witchbitch said...

Good for you!