Monday, June 07, 2010

Patience is a virtue

NOT! I may not always be right, but I am always quick. It occured to me when I was travelling back from Ticino (Italian-speaking part of Switzerland) to Zürich, and my friend spent 10 minutes compiling an sms on her mobile phone...actually all the way from Lugano to Bellinzona (30 mins according to!). Not only does she have a wee bit problem with the phone, but she thinks carefully about every word she writes. That's so not me. I write as I speak. Direct. Now. Don't think about tomorrow kinda writing. It's take it or leave it with me. I live now. Not one minute from now. Not in the past. Not in the future. Now. That's me. So f... patience ;).


Anonymous said...

so can you teach me how to do that? I spend way too much time lviign for tomorrow (especially if tomorrow is a weekend) and worrying about the best way to say things

Witchbitch said...

I just don't worry. Simple as.