Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A tad bad in blogging lately, except for about my cats who I manage to bring into every conversation :).

Sunday was brunch with a couple of friends, who had both recently broken up with their respective boyfriends. Gad am I happy I am single. No problems whatsoever. They have plenty, but after bacon&eggs they seemed a bit happier.

Monday was catching up with a friend who has, hmmm, let's say, some personal issues. Going to therapy, that type of thing. But she's a survivor, and she'll come around.

Yesterday was a happy night. For the first time the cats and I slept together (told you, the kittens will find their way into the conversation any time). Woke up sometime in the middle of the night with one of them purring next to me. Then they slept until 5.30, at which time I found the mouse hidden underneath my pillow.

Tonight was dinner with a friend, and a catch-up of his latest conquests. I have a hard time keeping up with the names!

And tomorrow I'll listen to somebody with a broken heart. The dramas I experience. Very good none of them are mine!

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