Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The smallest scale in the world

Went to Ikea today with the aim to, among other tidbits, buy a scale. A scale is scary to me, since I always think it's gonna show too much and kg's you don't wanna admit to. It was decades ago I stood on one.

The reason is that I am now very close to my ideal weight, and I wanna know where I am, and then keep track of it.

But isn't it typical? Ikea were out of scales! How is that possible? I dunno anytime before I've been there and they've run out of an item. On the other hand, it's very seldom I go there with a list of specific items.

Anyway, I also needed soil to plant flowers and my newly purchased tomato plant in, so we went to Coop. Turned out Coop sell scales too. Surprising.

Very much surprising too when they brought the only one they had left. It was tiny.

I know, I have only 37 in shoe size but still. My friend stood on it, and couldn't keep it steady. Numbers kept on going up and down. We were surprised that it showed about 149, since he's very skinny.

After a brief search I found a button on the back switching between kg's and lbs. Who wants to buy a scale showing pounds in Switzerland?

And no, I still haven't been on it. If it's good news you'll hear about it. Otherwise we shall never speak of it again.


Anonymous said...

oh, come on! who would even think of weighing people with that.


Witchbitch said...

Haha, but it actually does work. Takes a bit of getting used to and to balance on it, but it works. And it showed about what I wanted!!!