Monday, August 31, 2015


If I look at the weather forecast I think today was the last really hot day this year. On one hand I'm happy about it, since sleeping in a bedroom with 28°C is not comfortable. I mean, me waking up at 6 o'clock is not on. And when the temp creeps up towards 40°C in the afternoon, come on, it's uncomfortable.

On the other hand, the evenings are fantastic. Like tonight, sitting outside, having a picnic in the forest, and enjoying not only the food but also the temperature. "Only" 28°C. Which means 28°C can have a different impact, depending on when and where.

And it was funny, we were sitting there in the middle of "my" vitaparcours round, watching people passing by jogging or walking (I was doing the exact same thing in the morning), while we were enjoying a cold platter of ham, coleslaw, cheese and bread. Oh, and it's wine in the fancy glasses in case you wondered :).

Then we played with the dog, and it got me up to almost 14,000 steps today. A good day. And a happy one.

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