While neighbours are away I look after their apartments. Taking in the mail, watering plants and making sure nobody broke in during the night. Yesterday I noticed that the timer on the lamp the neighbour currently away on holiday and who usually has on during the evening wasn't working, and I realized that their cleaning person had unplugged the timer during the day.
I switched on the lamp, but having a very short fuse when it comes to technical things, I didn't manage to re-set the timer. It was dark in the corner where the lamp stood and I couldn't see the tiny, little, almost invisible arrow that pointed to the time, so I left it overnight.
Early this morning I went back, bringing a torch and without any problems I managed to set the clock and plugged the lamp back in. Then I heard a voice!
First I was confused, not being able to locate where the voice came from. I knew it wasn't from my apartment, but was it from any of the other two? Nope, walking towards the sound I realized it was from their bedroom. They keep that door closed, but I opened it hesitantly and found...a radio! Jeez, I guess they have it on as a wake-up call.
Heart attack avoided!
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