Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Seems like "101 things to do in 1,001 days" is the theme of popular blogs these days. So you list 101 things, a combination of easy and difficult, to-do's and then you cross them off after you did them. All this is supposed to happen in 1,001 days. Usually I am not one to miss out on a challenge, but not sure I can be bothered with this one. Isn't it really time-consuming? I'm not sure I even can come up with 101 things to do (why exactly 101 btw?). Only time can tell. PS. An example: http://beesknees101.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

time consuming yes, but its not extra time or wasted time because the stuff on the list should be things you want to do anyway, and in my opinion, for the most part, things you will enjoy or be glad that they are done. The time consuming part is the writing about it, but its kinda fun. you can always just come up with some of them and add more later

Witchbitch said...

You make it sound like a rational thing to do, and perhaps you're even right. I just have to get around to it. There should be more hours in the day...