Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I don't believe my eyes

I cannot friggin believe it. Am meeting up with a friend for dinner tonight in a Thai place. And guess what? She has made a reservation at a smoke-free restaurant!?! This I know because I just googled it and it came up on smokefreeplaces.net as first choice. And this from a woman I trusted! This is so not good!


Anonymous said...

'I dont believe my eyes'
gees, you cant go for one meal without smoking? whats the appeal of smoking while eating anyway? lucky you don't live here where every single restaurant is smoke free

Witchbitch said...

The thing is not to smoke during dinner, but after. You know when you get to the stage where you start discussing the serious stuff. Then plenty of cig and drinks are needed.

Anonymous said...

'I dont believe my eyes'
rather you than me!

Witchbitch said...

Haha, if I remember correctly you don't turn down a drink or three :)