Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blood pressure

Mine is high. Not quite as high as the guy I went in the ambulance with (230/130 as top score) but too high. Told the ex about it. His advice was "well, all you gotta do is to stop smoking, stop drinking and lose..." at this point I stared at him with my steely blue eyes before he continued "half a kilo". Very nice save. Question is how high can you go before it's too late?


Anonymous said...

Blood Pressure

Hi Annika, I found that list with (high) blood pressure values on wikipedia (not sure whether it's certified).

I hope your values are not too bad. Maybe it's a better idea to ask a doctor than trusting wikipedia :-)

Ze German

systolisch / diastolisch
optimaler Blutdruck < 120 < 80
normaler Blutdruck 120-12 80-84
hoch-normaler Blutdruck 130-13 85-89
milde Hypertonie (Stufe 1) 140-15 90-99
mittlere Hypertonie (Stufe 2) 160-179 100-109
schwere Hypertonie (Stufe 3) > 180 > 110
isolierte systolische Hypertonie > 140 < 90

Witchbitch said...

Oops, almost preferred to not know. Will have to call the doctor. Sometime in the near future.