Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I am so against piercings and tattoos. Well, I pearced my ears as an adult, only because I got earrings from an ex-non-observant boyfriend as a present. Only then did I make holes in my ears. But today I saw a really cool piercing. I know what you think, but it's not that. A woman had a glistening stone in her cleavage. How cool is that? Ok, I wasn't so pleased when I heard that you have to actually CUT the skin open in order to put the stone in. But I might just ignore that bit, because I do have a fantastic cleavage to put it in. I wonder if there's an age limit to when this is cool...


Anonymous said...

depends on your definition of cool I would think

Witchbitch said...

Gee, that's helpful. NOT!