Thursday, September 18, 2008

Revolving door

6 months seems to be my limit, considering the last three flat-mates I had. The first one moved out because he wanted his own flat (fair enough), the second one because I wanted to keep my flat intact (not having the kitchen burned down) and the third one because I said so (reasons too fresh to be discussed here). Anyhoo. SBN went to the kreisbüro today to register in Zürich and at my address, and I had this feeling that he went in there saying "I'm moving into xxx-" and before he finished they would say "strasse 123". Guess it didn't help when SBN brought an 'exit-Zürich form' home that the kreisbüro gave him...


Anonymous said...

what exactly is an exit form?

Witchbitch said...

I guess the opposite of entry form :). When you move to Zürich you have to register address at the kreisbüro. When you leave Zürich you have to "de-register". Not sure it's called exit form, but it sounded good to me when I made it up.