Wednesday, November 05, 2008

New bank

So possible new bank called me back today, realizing I wasn't "selbstandig". Suggested a meeting tomorrow, but told him that I'm going to Oktoberfest at which he responded "that would be nice but perhaps a bit too loud". I like them already. A bank with a sense of humour? Unheard of. Decided I want to take a meeting with them tomorrow since the bank is located spitting distance from the Oktoberfest (convenient, ain't it?). Don't think they realize how difficult a customer I can be...


Anonymous said...

gees, how long does Zurich Oktoberfest go for? it seem like you've been talking about it for a month already

Witchbitch said...

Last week now, been going on for a month in Bauschänzli. It was also the one in Bahnhof earlier.