Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Out with the 80's

Those of you who know me know that clothes interest me very little. Not at all in fact. However, being a tad economic I have trouble throwing away perfectly good clothes, even if they were bought in the 80's. Tomorrow is pick-up-clothes-from-the-street-day, and I haven't gotten started yet. Think I better have a glass of wine, tend to get less sentimental then. Mind you, too much wine may make me unpack it coming home from the bar I'm going to tonight :)


Anonymous said...

with all the moving you've done and clothes pick up days you've been through and you've still got stuff from the 80's? wow that stuff really must have some emotional power

Witchbitch said...

Perhaps I exaggerated just a tad, but some of the stuff is pretty old. On the street now though!