Monday, December 08, 2008

Caribbean party

It did cheer me up a bit though when I got invited to a Caribbean party next Saturday. Not sure if the theme is suitable for December, but a party is a party is a party. Am having a friend from England over for the weekend and I'm bringing him, so it'll be very interesting to see what he looks like in a straw skirt! I envision pina coladas, caipirinhas, flowers, sand, heat and light. This can be fun.


Anonymous said...

I too am invited to a party on Saturday and I know I should also be thinking a party is a party is a party but instead I'm thinking argh, cant be bothered, whats a good excuse. mus be in one of those down moods too, or just getting old

Witchbitch said...

You old? HAHAHA. Trust me, you're going to like it when you're there.

Anonymous said...

when I'm old or when I'm at the party? ;)
actually, the main reason I dont want to go is because its hosted by two people, one is a fiend of mine - all good, the other is possibly the most annoying, full of shite person I've ever met

Witchbitch said...

So one is a fiend, and the other one annoying. I'd say, don't go. Freudian slip, hello?