I've always been wary about charity, but I have been a member of various "do-good" associations. Last one was Red Cross. Only this year after all the articles about how much the top-guys (because they're always guys!) put in their own pockets I sent an email to them asking how much the top manager in Switzerland earned. I didn't get an answer.
Needless to say they won't get any more money from me.
would be good if information on things like salaries at charitable organisations were publicly available, like government jobs where the salary ranges are public information (or is that only in Australia?). but I guess as a private company they do what they want and even though I think its good to support charity in the end I reckon there's corruption and greed in most of them, the bigger they are the worse it is.
It's a dilemma. I want to help, but how can I be sure my money goes to the needy?
I guess you just have to be happy that a large percentage of your money will go to the needy. or you could support smaller volunteer-run charities, but that requires more research effort. I think I mighttry donating some of my time instead of money again
When I win the euromillion lottery I can work fulltime with charity, but before that I'm not sure who I feel comfortable giving to. I hate being screwed.
I'm procrastinating so: another story to put you off giving to charity - you probably heard about all the huge awful bushfires that are happening in Australia at the moment. A lot of people have died, whole towns have been destroyed etc and so there have been big appeals for donations, television specials and millions and millions of dollars have been raised. Anyway, the town my mother lives in was evacuated but luckily it turned out that most of the houses and people there were undamaged. Now people she knows of, who are quite wealthy and did not suffer any damage at all, are going to the relief centres and getting thousands of dollars just because they are in an area near bushfire and spending it on gadgets or holidays. nice.
I cannot believe it! They should be ashamed of themselves. So Australia is still a country full of crooks?
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