Sunday, February 01, 2009

No water

So was looking forward to the evening. A lot. Was busy preparing, frying the veggies, having a glass of wine, making myself pretty. All at the same time. Then my first guest arrived, exactly on time like she was a military person. I continued to cook, having my guest sitting on the throne in my kitchen (the 19 CHF folding chair from IKEA), me slaving away. Yeah ok, perhaps I exaggerate a bit but anyway. All of a sudden there was no water. No water?!? So called my landlord. Now, my landlord is about 80 years old and have a company that does the admin for him. That didn't stop him from saying "hello miss, how are you?" when I called him at eight o'clock on Saturday evening. Told him I didn't have any water. He promptly said: "I will come". My thoughts were like doesn't he trust me? Does he not believe me? Well, my Swiss friends told me that this is the thing to do. Nothing to do with trust, but the fact that he voluntered to come visit was just to show support. He did. And in between me calling him and my one of my friends arriving telling me about the burst pipe and a whole block being under water. So he came, shook hands with my friends. And left. And this item makes absolutely no sense but it is 3.32 in the morning. Pls send any complaints to somebody else.

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