Sunday, March 29, 2009

Holiday - Cape Town XXI

When I travel my stomach stops working (I know, more information that you wanted but it's my blog!). This becomes very uncomfortable after like 5 days and in Cape Town I went to buy some laxative. Worked like a charm, but I needn't had bothered. After the evening safari a few days later we were due to go on an early morning safari, but an unfortunate incident put a stop to that for me. At three in the morning I canonball puked my guts out. Food poisoning! Very bad timing indeed. Also unfortunate that the bathroom door wouldn't close, so poor Bro had to participate so to speak. Much against his will I imagine. At five o'clock in the morning it was time again. Didn't realize I had eaten so much. And on top of everything it started to come out another place too. At the same time. And there was only one toilet. It's a tuff choice whether to puke on the floor, or shit in your pants. Another round at seven o'clock. I tell ya, I wasn't feeling at all well. Dehydrated like an alcoholic the morning after. Not that I would know. At twelve o'clock we had to leave and go with the taxi back to Cape Town. Halfway there I had to ask the driver to stop, but he couldn't fast enough. I cascade puked with half my body hanging out the window. Charming! But he was very nice about it, and even called the day after to ask how I was. We probably tipped him too much. Anyway, after a day of rest I was fit to go again. But I can say one thing, wine just doesn't taste the same after food poisoning, and we were off to the vineyards for wine-tasting!


Anonymous said...

That's my girl! Nothing can stop the love of a good wine! LOL!! :)..your pics are beautiful..looks like this was a great vacation!

John - NJ, U.S.A

Witchbitch said...

Thanks, yes it really was and there are more pics coming.

Anonymous said...

oh dear, doesnt sound like fun. but somehow its kinda reassuring to know that even those who stay and eat in the ritzy accommodation you can get bali belly (or whatever the African equivalrnt is)

Witchbitch said...

Buffet food, avoid!!!