Monday, May 18, 2009


I have a few friends who are really really really old, like 50. Well, I have two and both of them are going to throw parties. Excellent. However, one of them has decided to have her party in an obscure never-heard-of-village in Sweden! What is wrong with her? She lives in Copenhagen, one of the coolest cities in the world. Just the trip there would include flight, airport bus and another bus just to get there! Hmm, not sure about that one. The other one is in Switzerland, but only just. It also includes extensive travel (anything outside the city of Zürich is almost unacceptable!) for like an hour and a half. But I will go, since this guy is dear to me. I just don't get why people want to be outside a city!?!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, very funny! Your remark will be remembered and used in due course:)

Witchbitch said...

Is it you 326?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, your memory serves you right.

Witchbitch said...

I ain't 50 yet ;)