Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Companies have different ways of approaching customers. No news there, but interesting to see. I have sent a couple of emails to companies that move a flat for you. Not the flat per se, but the stuff. One sent a quote immediately, based on the email where I stated from and to, the size and whether there were lifts. Another one is coming tomorrow morning at 7.30 (!) to inspect, before they can give a quote. The third one is through a flyer I got in the mailbox giving 15% discount. Not sure for what, but they don't seem to have a website...hmmm. No matter who I choose, this'll cost me.


John said...

Get the best price of course, but paying someone to move you is the only way to go. To me, its worth it, no matter what I end up paying. I pack the martini pitcher, the glasses, the vodka and the olives. Let the professionals handle everything else. !

Witchbitch said...

Yes, wouldn't dream of doing this myself. I simply have too much stuff! Good that you reminded me of the drinks :)