Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Went to visit new Mum today in the hospital, and because the baby looked big on the picture I expected something similar in reality. It was TINY! This little thing cuddling up to her Mum was if not negligible, so very very small. I of course stayed as far away as possible, but the new parents seemed to know instinctively how to go about it. V good as Bridget Jones would have said. Reminded me of yesterday when new Dad came up for a chat in the evening (and we ended up celebrating a little bit too long...for me because any reason for a party is a good one and for him to celebrate the tiny one), and I told him that he has now signed up for 20 years of responsibility. The look in his eyes when it dawned on him was...hmmm...funny. Is there a word for horror and pride combined? Well, the baby was welcome and they are happy, and what can be better than that?

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