Sunday, April 25, 2010

A common view

Funny remarks during the evening: "I didn't realize you had such good taste" - when my friend found out I had the Casco de la Cruz wine, making such a fuss about it I had to give him a bottle. Which of course I expect a fabulous dinner in return for... "But you got the boobs to show" - when the two female guests realized they wore the same "apron"-like tops and I had a tight one, me saying "I seem to be the only one not in fashion" and one of the guys popped the comment looking at his wife... "I thought I could change him" - when I asked one of the women why she married her husband. We all (at least us three women) had a good laugh at that. "Your grandchildren are going to ask why their grandmother have such a funky flat" - apropos me mentioning that I'm going for futuristic and nothing remotely old will ever set foot in my flat. Also a slightly odd remark considering that I do not have any children... Another fabulous evening! I am so lucky having all these good friends!


Anonymous said...

just wondering, is that your camera or special lighting in your place - how come the photos always look blue or purple?

Witchbitch said...

It's special lighting that shows when I do not use the flash on the camera. Got two "neon-light" lamps.