Sunday, April 04, 2010

Oh shit

Had the questionable pleasure of sitting next to a couple with a kid on the flight back today. One of these white-trash couples who think everybody enjoys their "cute little kid", aka Omen. After smelling shit for about 20 mins, demonstrating it by pressing my fingers around my nose (subtle hint!) white-trash Mum finally got the message and went to do something about it. When I about an hour later went to the toilet I smelled it again, I had the horrible feeling that it was I who smelled (cannot shit when travel, so have 4 days of pile-up awaiting) before I realized I had gone to the toilet where the Mum had changed the diaper. Big relief! Sort of. Cannot wait for tomorrow morning. Will have my usual coffee and then I will run to the bathroom! Gosh, am I glad to be home!!


Anonymous said...

ugh, travelling children. a little too much detail on you toilet habits though ;)

Witchbitch said...

Hehe, my blog is nothing for the squeamish!