Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Time to pack
I have a flaw. I know this surprises you, but yes, I have one. I am extremely good in planning, I am compulsary in keeping appointments. Being late for me does not exist.
However, I have this thing about packing. I have spent many years travelling and I never once packed the night before. Always in the morning, even though like tomorrow I have to get up at 5.30. Wouldn't even enter my mind to prepare tonight.
And in all these years of travelling the only thing I ever forgot to pack were beach towels when going to the Caribbean some 15 years ago. And whaddayaknow. They sold them there. Cheap too.
Last time I had an operation was about 5 years ago. They told me not to drink, eat or smoke after midnight. Ha. I ended up at 3 in the morning very, very drunk. In the hospital, where I showed up at 7, they woke me up at 8 giving me some sorta sedation pill, so that I wouldn't worry about the op. Ha again. At that point in time nothing would've worried me. All I wanted was to sleep. And that I did. Mind you, I think they sedated me.
This friendship thing
In good times it is easy to be friends with just about anybody. In slightly worse times, this is when push comes to shove. That is when you realize who are your real friends.
Slept in a bit today, and was surprised to have "beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep" on my mobile phone when I finally switched it on.
Turns out friends would like to visit tomorrow. Have mixed feelings, but mostly good. On one hand, I'm probably gonna lie in a hospital bed looking shite whereas they'll be looking for a drink. On the other hand, it'll feel good to have friends who care.
Yes, they like me just the way I am ;)
Under the knife
Must admit I am starting to feel a bit anxious. Not really nervous, but every operation has some risks and early tomorrow I have to be at the hospital. They plan to do a full anesthetic, and I have to stay in the hospital at least one night.
The doc said that I'll be sleeping comfortably in a beach chair (!). Wonder if it comes with a little drink with a umbrella.
Op will take approx 90 minutes, and hopefully they will find all the stuff that has been causing me problems for the last year. There is a risk they will have to stitch my tendon, in which case the recovery will take a little longer.
Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this. Had enough of pain for a while. Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Getting creamed?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Big friends?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
I'll be fine
Ok, so it is not an invasive surgery, which is nice. Googled some info.
About the disease/condition.
More about it.
This is the stuff they'll be doing to me.
Coupla issues. There may be an infection, or the doctor may damage some nerves but other than that it should be ok. 99% promise that I'll be as good as new. And the doctor promised not to have a drink the day before the operation...
D day
I.e. doctor day. Got the results of the MRI today. Not only do I have calcium in my shoulder, but also a partially ruptured tendon. Aoouchhh. No wonder it's been painful.
Played the pity card, claiming it's been going on for a long time now and that it's getting to my head, which is true btw, and was sent directly to a specialist. The first doctor warned me though, that an operation this side of Christmas is unlikely.
When I got to the next doctor he looked at my screens from the MRI and the X-ray, agreed that I need an operation and said he would do it. "Tomorrow?" I asked, thinking he would laugh me in the face. "No", he said seriously, "there is no way I can fit you in this week". What!?!
So now I am scheduled for an operation Wednesday next week. Did I say I love Swiss healthcare?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
German saying
Learned a new German saying tonight: "Ein Mann, ein Wort, eine Frau, ein Wörterbuch". Haha, that was quite a good summarization of the evening.
Means one man, one word, one woman, one dictionary.
How many words can you fit into one evening?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Waiting time
My favourite Saturday is a lazy one, ending in a party. Like today.
I love spending the afternoon preparing, like setting the table with plates, cutlery, napkins, glasses and candlelight. Tonight we're having raclette, which everybody loves. Bought 2kg's of cheese just in case!
As a starter there'll be mini apero pieces with filling and a choice of strawberry wine or prosecco.
Then an orgy in cheese, cheese and more cheese. There is normal cheese, cheese with bacon, cheese with pepper, and cheese with other things. Plus boiled potatoes, marinated cucumbers, mustard fruit (delish!), pepperoncini and mixed pickles. On top extra bacon and gorgonzola cheese especially wished by the guests. White wine to go with.
I can sense a top evening with cheese and 5 women!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Between a rock and a hard place
Had my rich friend over for lunch today. He's always very generous and today he brought me a bottle of champagne (for having missed my birthday) and a bottle of Amarone as a thank you for the invitation.
We came to talk about investments, since I asked him to guess the price of the flat Bro and girlfriend is buying, and he said in a serious voice "Annika, I can't buy what I want either just like that".
Turns out he wanted a sailboat to have in the Mediterranean sea, and in order to buy one he would have to sell a house or a car to free up some cash. One of many that he owns. My heart's really bleeding for him. NOT!
Besides, he's 79 so a sailboat is maybe not such a good idea. And he has two other boats already.
What a nice dilemma to have!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I dunno what's gotten into me lately. You can never guess what I bought today! Funny thing is after examining what's on the market, seems to me there are a lot more hair straighteners than their are curlers or stylers. Are there that many curly-haired people who can be arsed to straighten their hair every day? I only know one.
Another strange thing. Why is the perfume & accessories department always on the ground floor in a department store? I find it a bit irritating with all these shop assistants asking if I want to smell their perfume or whatever. Not that they always "attack" me, they probably just take one look at me and the decide I'm a lost cause. But still.
My favourite floor is the fourth, where they have all the interior design stuff. Lotsa gorgeous and very expensive things there. Will avoid in future.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Baby party
Tomorrow I am invited for a birthday party with a 1-year-old girl. The reason I accepted is that I have been promised that she will be the only baby there, and there will be a Sprüngli chocolate cake.
I actually look forward, not so much for the baby but for seeing the grown-ups and have a drink.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I am normally not a humble person, but when I was at the hospital doing my MRI I came across some people with amputated legs, driving around in wheelchairs. Young, and seemingly otherwise healthy people. That is painful, and reminds you of how lucky you are.
I mean, it's not fun having pain all the time, but in comparison to what some other people have to deal with it's a walk in the park.
Was outside the hospital smoking, waching a couple trying to navigate an electric wheelchair into a car. Not as easy as some might think. Took them many tries to even get there. Things that I do in a flash takes other people half an hour.
I really should stop complaining!
Onesomeness rocks
I have been watching a lot of reality soaps lately, and one thing that strucks me is how everybodys dream seems to be twosomeness. Not that I haven't seen this irl, but it is an overwhelming percentage of all people who cannot be alone and be happy with it.
It's soaps about farmers looking for a wife, alone mothers looking for a new man, Hollywood wives living off their successful and rich husbands, and even fortune hunters from Bulgaria :).
I don't understand this, but realize that I am the odd one out. Still I don't get it. And considering that about 50% of all marriages and relationships do not last, why do people still strive so much for not living on their own?
It's beyond me.
The feeling of having a half-eaten kebab from the last drunken night for breakfast, the freedom of a good fart under the duvet, the ability to plan your day just as you like it, the flexibility of meeting your friends whenever, the opportunity of going out when you feel like it. This for me is freedom.
I'm not much for compromize, in case you didn't get it.
Acne in my ass
I got this acne thingie on the inside of my right ass cheek. Very irritating. But I used my usual technique of putting soap on it, and so hope it'll dry and disappear in a day or two.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A German with a sense of humour
When doing the MRI the doctor who dabbed my shoulder with alcohol noticed when I was sniffing. Which btw was very difficult thru the "muzzle" the put on me, i.e. the mouth protection thingie that doctors wear. He proceeded to tell me he likes beer better, but confessed he couldn't take alcohol very well. And yes he was pretty small. I suggested that he'd never drink together with Scandinavians.
So said to him: "I hope you didn't have a beer today". Him: "only at lunch". Hmmmm.
I wonder what the results will show.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Today I had a new experience, I had an MRI. At the hospital they were very efficient and moved me around to the various stations, and when I was done about an hour later I felt all confused.
First I was taken to a changing room where I was asked to remove all clothes, except for socks and underwear but including all jewellery (that was quick in my case). I then had to wear a blue "pyjamas", but since everybody else in that corridor wore the same it was kinda funny, we all smiled at each other.
Then I was invited into a room, where I was asked to lie down on a bed underneath this humongous machine that moved above me. They took a few pics I assume and a doctor drowned my arm in alcohol (I was trying to sniff it), then stuck a needle into my arm with an analgesic and some "contrast" fluid so they would be able to see better in the arm. I did the mistake of looking at the needle, and started sweating profusely. Big long thing. Fortunately it didn't hurt much.
I spoke German with the nurse, but when the doctor started to talk I asked him kindly to speak high German. Turned out he was German. Oops.
I was then led to the actual MRI machine, which basically is a big pipe. I lied down and was given ear protection, since I was told the machine would be loud. After being shoved into the pipe, it started and I very nearly jumped out of my skin. My gad, was that LOUD! So I asked them to adjust the ear protection thingies, as well as giving me some ear plugs.
Even so, I gotta tell you. I felt like I had no protection at all. It didn't bother me to lie in a pipe, I could've fallen asleep in there, but the NOISE! And in all different frequencies, boom-boom-boom for like 1-2 minutes, then a short break, then squeak-squeak-squeak and on it went. For 20 bleeding minutes.
Was quite proud though that I managed to feel when the 20 minutes were gone. Not bad, since it's easy to lose track of time in there.
Now I'm just waiting for the results.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Still waiting
Spoke to an old friend again today. He's still bored, but I made him promise today that if it would get really bad, he would call me before.
The good thing was that he did visit the cemetary. Not with the transportation service mind, but his daughter brought him. Cheaper so.
He still talks about his kid, who is 76. Neat.
I have no understanding what it is to be 98 years old, nor do I have a wish to get this old. But it is intriguing. He still speaks a bit slowly, but is very clear in his head. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to talk to somebody with that much more experience than I have.
And he does agree that having kids is no point at all (apart from the daughter who brings him food every week), since he doesn't hear from them. The other one, the 76-year old is in Spain and of no use. The grandkids he never hears from, except maybe twice a year.
He so does prove my point. And I much enjoy talking to him.
Reality show
Kept on watching this reality show about a hospital. What irritates me is when the doctor is examining a child, who screams constantly and when it's all done gets to hear "oh, you're such a good girl", when she wasn't at all. On the contrary, she was being a real pain.
I hope not all doctors lie like that, considering that I'm seeing one tomorrow.
And not only that, kids that go in the ambulance gets a free teddybear. And after the examination they get an icecream! Talk about spoiling the offspring.
In my day you had to be quiet in order to get a big gold star in your dentist card, a little screaming generated a small gold star and if you screamed a lot you got nothing.
Taught me that nothing comes for free in this world. That's something else than the curling parents these days, sweeping the ice for their kids making them into grownups thinking that still everything comes for free. Not helping if you ask me. The expert in raising kids...
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The good old days
Was watching the docu-soap about working at a hospital. Took me right back to when I was young and had no money. This particular evening my ex-boyfriend was inviting me to a nice restaurant, something we normally couldn't afford.
We walked there, and were sitting down at a table, facing the sea. It was fabulous, I was in love and so was he. But because this was at a time of my life where I could afford nothing, I decided to pass on the starter. While he was having his, I started to feel very, very tired. I kinda ended up with my head on the table. He asked me how I was feeling, and I told him that I wanted some fresh air.
Stood up, and walked towards the door but fainted and fell to the floor. Fortunately ex was behind me and picked me up, so didn't hurt myself. The owners of the place lived next door so was taken there and given Coke.
Was lying on their sofa for a while, sipping sugar, and was then good to go. We finished the romantic dinner, but it taught me to never be too skinny.
Guess I was so traumatized I haven't been stopping eating since :)
Fabulous purple!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Was reading a prospect over a new building in Wädenswil for some reason, and the funniest thing I saw was that the door will have a "Türspion" - a door spy. I guess it's one of these eyes in the door, so that you can see who is coming to visit.
Funny word, makes me laugh. Türspion, haha!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
I love Swiss healthcare
On Wednesday I called the doctor to say that the cortisone didn't work. On Thursday they called me back to say they sent a note to the clinic I blogged about. On Friday the clinic called me to ask when it would suit me to do the MRI.
I am flexible so said "give me a date, and I'll check my calendar". They suggested Friday next week and I said fine. Then they asked me if the morning or the afternoon would be best for me.
Ok, so it cost a bit to have a healthcare insurance in this country, but on the other hand it's a free market. And it works!
And on Friday I'll be shoved into a tube. I have been promised it won't hurt!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Yup, just like I thought the pain came back in my shoulder even after 3 cortisone shots. Now I am waiting to be contacted by the clinic who will do an MRI.
Mixed feelings really. On one hand (arm?) I look forward to know what is really wrong, on the other hand (the other arm?) I am a bit anxious about to what they will find.
I really like my right arm, and would like to keep it.
Dom blondje
And I know exactly what you think, and all of you are wrong.
This is a glass dedicated to the Dom-toren (Dom tower) in Utrecht, where I used to live. And "blondje" can mean both and a blond person and a light beer. So there!
And I gotta say, the view of the Dom tower in Utrecht is fantastic. Plus the fact that religion takes a back seat to practicality in Holland, you can actually rent the church tower for parties! Appeals to somebody who is a convinced atheist!
See, you were wrong!
New idea
Since I have now been to five different furniture stores and not found the cd/dvd-stands I want, I came up with the idea of letting my very competent metal construction worker, the one who did my shelf in the kitchen (who btw everybody thinks is fabulous!), get to work again.
I envision it in the corner of the guest room, with a mirror in the actual corner, surrounded by dvd's and cd's. Means the guests can also admire themselves before they leave.
Yes, it might cost a bit more but be special and one-of-a-kind. My kinda taste.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Successful inauguration
Ok, so not enough with the sheets but the first people to sleep in the guest bed were happy.
The only thing that doesn't make me so happy is that they have to get up at 5.30 tomorrow morning. But the dinner tonight at Terrasse more than make up for it.
It's a give and take in any relationship, says the expert.
PS. Got an email from the ex today. He cannot live with me, he cannot live without me. Go figure.
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