Friday, November 12, 2010


Today I had a new experience, I had an MRI. At the hospital they were very efficient and moved me around to the various stations, and when I was done about an hour later I felt all confused. First I was taken to a changing room where I was asked to remove all clothes, except for socks and underwear but including all jewellery (that was quick in my case). I then had to wear a blue "pyjamas", but since everybody else in that corridor wore the same it was kinda funny, we all smiled at each other. Then I was invited into a room, where I was asked to lie down on a bed underneath this humongous machine that moved above me. They took a few pics I assume and a doctor drowned my arm in alcohol (I was trying to sniff it), then stuck a needle into my arm with an analgesic and some "contrast" fluid so they would be able to see better in the arm. I did the mistake of looking at the needle, and started sweating profusely. Big long thing. Fortunately it didn't hurt much. I spoke German with the nurse, but when the doctor started to talk I asked him kindly to speak high German. Turned out he was German. Oops. I was then led to the actual MRI machine, which basically is a big pipe. I lied down and was given ear protection, since I was told the machine would be loud. After being shoved into the pipe, it started and I very nearly jumped out of my skin. My gad, was that LOUD! So I asked them to adjust the ear protection thingies, as well as giving me some ear plugs. Even so, I gotta tell you. I felt like I had no protection at all. It didn't bother me to lie in a pipe, I could've fallen asleep in there, but the NOISE! And in all different frequencies, boom-boom-boom for like 1-2 minutes, then a short break, then squeak-squeak-squeak and on it went. For 20 bleeding minutes. Was quite proud though that I managed to feel when the 20 minutes were gone. Not bad, since it's easy to lose track of time in there. Now I'm just waiting for the results.

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