Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lost skin

You know that the biggest organ of the body is the skin, right? Lately I have noticed. And it's all because I was on the lake for too many hours burning it. And funny thing is that when I was younger wounds and burn sores healed in what seemed to be a minute. Nowadays it takes more than a week for the skin to even react.

But every day since a few days now I keep on picking up my own skin from the floor (or rather hoover it up with the AnimalPro purple handle Dyson :).

Still, it's downhill from here on. Hot flashes, two grey hairs and skin dropping off the body. Mind you, I'll be slimmer then, won't I?


Anonymous said...

I dunno, you cant be that old if you still haven't learnt the benefits of sunscreen


Witchbitch said...

Haha, good point, but I thought as usual I was invincible.