Tuesday, October 01, 2013

High up the hill

Today on the trek my friend brought a rucksack, which is fine, it's good for the back. Me, I brought as usual a shopping bag wearing it over my shoulder. Inexperience of hiking I guess. But holding all the essentials, i.e. 2 plastic glasses and a bottle of vino. Plus some napkins and extra ciggies.

Anyway, his rucksack looked very full and I couldn't figure out what he was having in that sack. But when we stopped for a wee break I realized he had brought it all, including a cutting board! Haha, we were in the forest sitting at a wooden table and he brought a cutting board. Talk about having the wrong priorities!

But I guess we all have our little tics, so I let it go. After laughing at him of course.

And the wine came in handy after we survived the cable car coming down the hill. F...I really don't like heights.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, not only sandals but a nothing but a shopping bag full of wine and cigarettes, I can hear the tut tuts and see heads shaking


Witchbitch said...

Only one bottle of wine to share thank you very much, and much appreciated by my walking partner (who happens to be a smoker too :).