Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ethics vs cost

I think we can all agree on that observing ethics in life always is attached to a certain amount of cost. The question I think is just how much we are willing to pay for it.

As an example I think about the graffiti made on our house. So unnecessary and no hope that the police will find the offender.

We have gotten a few offers from companies willing to remove it. A serious one for about 2,000 francs, which means 500 for each and every apartment in the house, and several less serious ones for down to 300 for the same job.

I estimate the area to be re-painted to about 30 m2, since if you just remove the graffiti it'll still show. The paint will be affected, so re-painting is the only option if you ask me.

There will need to be a crane, since a ladder wouldn't go high enough. The graffiti goes almost all the way to the top of the house.

Now, the company offering a solution for 300 I don't think is serious. And if they are allowed to do it, how much damage can they cause and how long will the "removal" last for? Do they pay taxes? What material do they use? If somebody falls down while doing the job, are they gonna sue us since they don't have insurance? Is it a registered company even?

Nah, in order to remove the graffiti a serious company would've to be used in my opinion, but also in my opinion the cost is too high, since there is no guarantee it won't happen again. Maybe with time we'd all get used to having a grey heart greeting us coming home?

But I still think the vandals should be rolled in tar and feathers!


Anonymous said...

but what does this have to do with ethics? You only talk about risk versus cost.


Witchbitch said...

I don't think it's ethical to use companies that dump the prices where they cannot possibly make a profit in a legal way.