Thursday, November 14, 2013

Skirt or pants

I'm invited to a big birthday party in a couple of months, and in order to be prepared I asked if there is a dress code. No, I was told, "but it would be nice if you could wear a blouse and a skirt". And no, the guy doesn't work for UBS.

Pressing on, I was informed that pants would work too. Phew!

Only got one skirt I still get into, so either it's shopping time or finding a suitable pair of pants for a big party. I know, it's not a problem like in solving starving-people-in-the-third-world, but still. For me it'll require a brain-storming session.


Anonymous said...

Ha, love how the say there is no dress code and then tell you exactly what to wear! Lucky you plan so far ahead, i wouldnt have even thought about it til the day before.

Witchbitch said...

Honestly, it's nothing that stays in my mind until the day before.