Saturday, February 15, 2014

What are the odds?

Since this year started I've been pretty good with my power-walking alternatively using my new stepper. The other day it was nice weather so I went for my morning power-walk, and that includes a steep incline on a hill at the end of my street.

When starting to walk up there, I noticed an Asian-looking couple playing badminton in the middle. I mean, what are the odds for that? In the morning, on a hill where I may meet the odd person walking a dog, I come across a couple playing badminton? How weird that felt.

If I would've guessed who I would meet, if anybody, there, in a million years I wouldn't have guessed this.

Just thought I'd share.


Anonymous said...

that is indeed weird. but cool. I love it when stuff like that happens


Witchbitch said...

Me too!