Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Cat tax

This morning I got a link sent to me from a friend, saying that from now on we have to pay cat tax. I'm like, isn't it typical ze Swiss? Now we have to pay for everything, and I was already formulating my defence. My cats are indoor cats, they don't catch any birds (except for the odd one that crosses over my balcony, like yesterday, when I found a pile of feathers out there) and so on.

Anyway, I was reading and reading and there was a lot of information from all sorts of organizations. And remember, this was in the morning before I had my coffeine shots.

But after a while, I realized there was too much info, and knowing my friend with two foxes behind each ear (does that work in English?), I stopped the response email I was writing in my head and realized, hey it's 1st of April!

Good for me, who wants to be seen as a dumb blonde?

PS. My Australian friend didn't think it was a joke, down under apparently you pay for having a cat. And she's not a blonde.


Anonymous said...

I didn't say that article wasn't supposed to be a 'joke' I never read it, but that it's not that strange to register cats(esp if you think registering dogs is normal).


Witchbitch said...

How do they register wild cats?

Anonymous said...

oh dear.
what did you say about being blonde ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....yeah Annika can really be a blonde even though she will not admit it!

Witchbitch said...

And my joke fell flat to the ground :).