Sunday, August 31, 2014

Five years

Yesterday we had a party to celebrate that tomorrow it was five years ago we moved into our house. I have mixed feelings about it, since on one hand it feels like yesterday. I remember the build of the house over 20 months and then finally moving in day came. On the other hand it feels like I've been living here forever.

One thing is clear though, I have never felt so at home as in this place. And I plan to remain here for the rest of my days. Hopefully a long time.

So while the guests were celebrating and having fun and interesting talks, I was being pestered by a five-year-old with questions why I didn't have chalk or coloured pencils to make drawings with. Told her this is not a child-friendly flat, thinking that would put her in her place. But she persisted with questions like "don't you have any children?" and "don't you have a man?". Seriously! Told her I have two cats and am very satisfied with that. Guess she didn't get the irony.

So I took her by the hand and led her to the guest room, telling her how inviting the guest bed is. I even switched on the lamp by the bedside, only to hear "is purple your favourite colour?". Duuh. We've been neighbours for five years and I wonder what kids learn these days.

But all in all, a very nice evening. Now I look forward to two new neighbours, who will rent the attic flat, and not only add two new nationalities to the house but I'm also told they have two cats! Soul mates I'm sure.

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