Thursday, May 07, 2015


This jogging business is not my thing. I mean, I am now fit enough to run/jog, but it's boring. I seem to only look down on where to put my feet, rather than looking around seeing the nature and enjoying being out.

I don't care if I don't burn as many calories by powerwalking, 'cause I don't seem to be able to lose those last few kg's anyway. One day I'm two kg's from my goal, the next day three. I don't know why, I watch my diet and I exercise. So to hell with it. From now on I'll be enjoying powerwalking in the nature.

Like today, I was running and passing a guy who was standing still taking pictures. We nodded a quick hello as you do, and the next time I was passing him he stopped me, hushed and pointed into the forest and lo and behold, there was Bambi with a brand new baby! How cute wasn't that!

She was just standing there, maybe ten meters away, looking at us while feeding the wee one. Normally babies don't do it for me, but animal kids are something completely different.

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