Monday, May 18, 2015

Swiss XXI

The story goes on. Becoming a Swissie turns out to be like one of these tv series that never end. Today I was dropping off the form at the authoritity dealing with social security, in order to get a pension evaluation, and I thought that's it. Turns out it wasn't. First, the helpful lady was click-click-clicking on her computer, then handwriting information on a paper form.

After that, she handed me the form to be filled in, telling me I needed to bring tax returns from the last four years, and that they then would do an evaluation and that it would take four weeks. WTF?

No doubt they'll send me a bill as well to pay for all the admin they do. This better be worth it!


Anonymous said...

oh dear. now of course they could have told you they needed that information before you came in, but no, they wouldn't want to make it efficient.

U just got a letter from our new local authorities to tell him to call them to set up a personal meeting to discuss my registration. Now of course they could have just called directly instead of typing, printing posting a letter to him, to talk about me, or perhaps called me directly, but no.
and in the end all they needed is a photocopy (already sent but apparently missing). sigh.


Witchbitch said...

Welcome to Switzerland!