Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I was informed by dr H that there are two different ways of sedating me on Friday. One is to let me sleep and see and hear nothing, and the other is a partial anaesthetics, like letting my lower body become paralyzed.

At first I was horrified to let them immobilize my legs (what if I can never walk again!), but after having thought about it, I kinda think I prefer it. The less invasive it is, the better, right?

But let's see, I have a consultation with the anaesthetic doc tomorrow. By phone. Love that ze Swiss finally have joined the social media. Got an sms today, saying that if you haven't heard anything tomorrow, call this number.

And I figured, if I'm still awake during the surgery, I can take pics!

Midnight call

Yesterday after having had the chat with dr Handsome I skyped a friend to ask if he would spent the night with me on Friday after the op. Yeah, yeah, in the guestroom.

Earlier this year he had a knee op and spent the night with me for the same reason. One shouldn't be alone after having had anaesthetics.

And I knew he would immediately be there for me, so I wasn't worried at all. What I didn't expect was him ringing the door at midnight, when I was deep in sleep since about an hour. He hadn't read the skype messages properly, and thought it was yesterday, and came as soon as he had finished working.

Ah well, I went back to sleep and he will be here on Friday again.

Move and then not

Today I treated my body well. In the morning I was running in the forest, then I walked for an hour to see a friend, and finally I ended up sitting talking to her on the balcony for like four hours sipping wine and eating homemade apricot pie.

If that's not life quality I dunno what is. The reason we didn't take a walk was that it is hot right now in Zürich, up to 35°C midday, and even though I'm now into sports I admit, relaxing in the shade chatting about nothing and everything, drinking my house wine (yes it was chilled in the fridge, my friends know me) beats moving anyday.

17,226 steps until now. Yeah, I'm good.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Dr Handsome

Right, so today I was meeting with dr Handsome. Not only was he that, but he was also very nice and took his time to explain everything.

So on Friday I go under the knife. He wanted to keep me overnight in the clinic, but I refused, so he made me promise to have somebody pick me up. It is not allowed for insurance purposes to let a patient wander off on her own after an op. But I still have to spend at least five hours after surgery to recover. The op is estimated to take only 20 minutes, even though he found more problems than the previous quack (apparently the one little issue I had has now tripled - I might have been better off doing nothing at all!).

And I can expect pain. For weeks. But I rather have it over and done with asap. However, the success rate is 80%, so who knows? Somebody with my (lack of) luck lately.

Anybody want pics :) ?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Overweight kids

I was in the forest running (intervals - half running - half powerwalking) this morning, and I wasn't alone. There are always people jogging, running or doing various exercises. And they all seem very fit. Mind you, I realize that they look fit because they are out there exercising.

The other day I was dog-walking and I saw a group of kids coming with their teacher from the forest, maybe 10-12 years old and almost half of them were overweight. What is wrong with the parents? Don't they see that their offspring will have problems later in life? And what do they feed the kids these days?

Trust me, I know how hard it is to lose weight, but I learned that staying normalweight is to do a lifestyle change, not a diet, not cut out everything, but to try and eat as healthy as you can (eat your friggin greens kids!) and to move your body. Nothing should be forbidden, but an awareness about what you put in your belly will have to be burned off somehow.

I thought this problem only (more or less) existed in the US and Britain but it seems to have come to Switzerland too. Makes me think that weightloss coaches is a coming-up profession. How sad that is.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Silver lining

Oh dear, I think I must've put a little more muscle effort into yesterdays riding class than I thought, 'cause today I have difficulties walking. Also, coming to think of it, I did a jogging round in the morning plus I walked the dog in the afternoon.

Nevertheless, I will have to work this afternoon and in comparison with the oldies, I will probably feel quite fit.

At least this time I lost 700 grams since yesterday! There is always a silver lining ;).


Today I had my last group riding lesson this season. Next season I will go on with private lessons. Not that I haven't appreciated and learned, but I think 30 minutes suits me better with more intensive training, not having to look out for others. Plus my goal is still to jump.

Today we did "kadrilj" - not sure what it's called in English - but riding in pairs. It was fun! Two pairs of horses trotting in circles, and moving along each other like we were one. Ish.

And as per my suggestion we had an apero after. Our lesson finished at 8.30 pm and we waited and included the next lesson that finished an hour later. They are better. Way better! But of course they've been riding a lot longer.

Normally we come a bit before the lesson to prepare the horses, then ride, then we all leave and there hasn't been much time to talk and get to know each other, so tonight was fun and we stayed a lot longer than I had anticipated. Most of us brought something to eat and both my bottles of prime Pinot Grigio were gone by the time we left.

Two things I took away from the evening. One, the only guy in our group always brings his daughter, she's very good with the horses even though she's only 8 years old. Today I learned that she's been riding for 4 years already and the father only started to ride in order to be able to go on riding camps with her. That is very sweet, until he told me that she's already better than he is. And he's about as good as I am. Hmmm.

Two, I asked the teacher if she could give me one advice what I should improve after now knowing me for about half a year, she said: "locker sein", meaning relax. And here I was thinking I was the most relaxed person in the world. I guess not. And I know what she means. I tend to tense up a bit and I have to learn that the horse feels it. Sit back, relax, and just give the horse the signs it needs to do its job. Sounds easy in theory, and I will take it to heart. Just not sure I can practise what is preached.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

They have grown!

4 years ago: http://zurilife.blogspot.ch/2011/06/cats-are-home.html and now I cannot think of a life without my little hairy monsters.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Swiss XIX

Not surprisingly I got another email from ze Swiss authorities today, saying that my dossier is now complete, and ready to be sent to the almighty Zürich city for approval. However, would I kindly also supply the date when my apartment was acquired. So I guess the dossier wasn't complete after all.

But if there is one thing I'm good at, even though I don't much enjoy it anymore, it's paperwork and admin stuff. So checked the binder and could supply the exact date the first contract was signed (2008), and also of course when I moved in. That is written in stone (well in my mind I guess).

Let's see what they come up with next.

Monday, June 22, 2015

17 minutes!

I did it! I did the round in 17 minutes, which at my age and gender is regarded "excellent".

I jogged, I powerwalked in the steep uphills and I even ran at times.

So now I can tick that box and move on, knowing I've done it and don't have to do it again.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Abnormal or not?

Last Friday I was very active. I was with dog, doing the vitaparcours in the morning (joined by my neighbour, who's the only one I know who does sports wearing a hot red lipstick!), walking for an hour in the afternoon and having the riding lesson in the evening. All in all, according to my pedometer I walked around 20 km's, burned about 1,200 calories, was eating moderately and gained weight!

How is that friggin possible?

I seem to go from being close to my goal weight (not the initial one, I reached that one already), then I gain and am far away, then I lose, and it doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm starting to think the scale is making fun of me, but when I weigh myself several times in a row, it does come up with the same weight. And I do vary with up to a kg from one day to another. Is this normal?


I have a friend who's originally coming from Iran, and he hasn't been back to visit for almost three decades for political reasons. Now, however, he's thinking of going back to visit his elderly mother, and I was asking whether it is safe.

Me: "I don't wanna get a telephone call from a prison in Teheran".

Him: "Don't worry, they don't have telephones in prison".

Yeah right, makes me feel a whole lot better.

Ms Know-it-all

I managed to insult somebody the other day. I really didn't mean to, but in hindsight I realize that I did. I wrote an email referring to her as "Ms Know-it-all", meaning it as a compliment, 'cause every time I ask her something she knows the answer. However, after googling I found out that it's not kindly meant, like I meant it to be.

I found out when we met and she was answering in a weird way, and I couldn't understand why so I asked. Yes, turned out she was very unhappy with my email, thus no answer to it.

I explained that I thought I was giving her a compliment, so I think we're all right again. However, I would've preferred an answer to my email, rather than me having to find out.

That's why it's always better to communicate in person, when you can see the expression in the face, the body movement, and being able to explain what you really meant. Emails, texts, and blogs for that matter can always be misinterpreted. Guess I haven't learned much in those almost ten years I've been blogging :).

Friday, June 19, 2015

Got my fav

Was having my second last riding lesson today. Well, not meaning I'll never ride again after, but the half-year course I signed up for, is ending next Friday.

And I got my fav! My rock'n'roll hero. He's such a sweetheart, and is so fantastically well-trained so all I gotta do is to learn not to disturb him.

Like when we were doing leg-yielding training today, and before I used to lean over to "help" him move in the right direction, but today I just gave him the sign and he knew instantly what to do. I was just sitting there enjoying (looking at the corner like the trainer told me numerous times), while he was doing exactly what he should. And I got no comment from the trainer (a good thing!).

And he's like me a bit. Slow in the beginning, but in the end of the lesson there's no stopping him. Until the teacher told me that he reacts to my mood. "Annika, if you sit down and lean back, he's gonna read you and do the same". Aha. And so he did. It's kinda irritating that she's always right, but at the same time I have a great respect for her.

And I have to remember that those teachers have been horseback riding like every day for ages, and trained for their profession. Still, I want to be better and when they explain something to me, and it sounds like common sense, so I should know better. Only one week to go!


The other day one of my cats threw up. It does happen once in a while, when they've gotten hairballs or eaten an insect or something. Nothing to be worried about, unless it goes on for days.

But they don't throw up just once, they puke a big pile of unprocessed food, then a smaller somewhere else and maybe a third little pool of saliva. No big deal, it doesn't smell and is easy to clean up since they most of the time have the courtesy to do it on the floor and not on the few carpets I have.

However, yesterday I saw a number one pile on the balcony (I had already cleaned up the inside smaller piles, duh, I'm not that unclean), and was gonna remove it, but something came it between so I forgot all about it.

And today I was with dog. This afternoon I went on the balcony to look for the owner who was approaching and doggie came with me, and before I knew it, she was eating the pile. Oh dear.

But I do remember another time when one cat also ate the puke of the other. And it didn't effect her. Saw doggie again this evening and she seemed fine. If that's not recycling I dunno what is.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Butt doc

So I've taken the medication now for 14 days, and am almost back to normal. Not quite, but I have gotten an appointment with a specialist end of June. Had to wait, since there is no way I'm giving up my prepaid riding lessons for a butt job.

However, I am not looking forward. Not that I would anyway, but when I googled the specialist I found a very attractive man. Gimme a woman, an oldie or an ugly man any day when it comes to looking up my rectum.

Ah well, maybe I should go for the anesthetics this time.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Always red

I don't watch commercials often, that's when I go to make a coffee, pour another glass of wine, go to the bathroom or anything to avoid watching stupid ads.

But the other day I was stuck at the screen, and saw this commercial about menstruation pads. Always they were called. It was something about having pads at night, bigger than normal, making me think of diapers, but when fluid was poured out to show how well they absorbed, it was...tadada...blue!

These days I think even a three year-old knows that blood is red, whether you're royal or not.

How stupid are companies? If you wanna sell, do it with a sense of humour, not listening to so called focus groups or "experts".

I used to work for a company which had a genius idea (well, at least once) and created this ad. Background is that the company was American and based in Texas, making fun of themselves. The fact that the CEO at the time walked away after only four years with seventy mill dollars as a compensation for failing is another story.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Move your arse

Yesterday I was having a riding lesson again, and for the first time I wasn't enjoying it.

First of all, it was hot as hell, and at one time I felt like I was boiling and had to stop for a few minutes. The problem is when riding is that you wear a helmet (and you should!) but normally 60% of the heat is lost through the head (depending on temperature) and the helmet is keeping the heat there. I was honestly afraid I was gonna have a stroke or something. I was completely soaked.

Second, and more importantly, I was given a fairly big horse who doesn't like to move his rather large ass. I know, you're supposed to whip him into shape and get him going, but that's not me. I don't think that force should be used, so I tried anyway. And tried. And tried. And so forth. It was me against half a ton. Guess who won?

And I tell you, even compared to when I started to do sports again last year, I haven't been in this much pain (from exercise i.e.) since I cannot remember. I was working today and sank to my knees to greet the black panter cat, and could hardly get up again. Maybe fitting, in an old peoples home.

Me and 80-100 years old, moving at the same pace. Yup, it's downhill from here like they said.

Home sweet home

Some acquaintances of mine were speaking excitedly the other day of their upcoming holiday. In a motorhome. Hmm, having grown up with parents crazy about caravans, which was nice when I was a kid, I wasn't convinced. I mean, as a grownup being cramped up in a small space and forced to be close 24/7. Two adults and a small kid.

Today I ran into them again, and saw the actual car. There is no other way to describe it. Ok, so it had a tiny stove and a itzy-bitzy-sink with a plastic container for the water, but no shower, no toilet and the "double bed", which basically is the back seat put down and providing 125 cm width for two people. And they were exstatic over the "top bed", which apparently was a tiny space in the roof somewhere, not to be seen when I inspected.

I may not be the most encouraging person at all times, and I couldn't help myself but bursting out "but that's not a holiday, it's a nightmare".

I cannot wait to hear their experience when they get back! Possibly with her being pregnant again.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A free salad

Was visiting the neighbours this evening in order to make sure I knew about what is to be watered and cared about when they are away. They have planted quite a lot of veggies, which is great.

I also took the opportunity to ask (ok not seriously) about what crime I can commit in order to get a punishment of having a footcuff and forced to be at home at all times. Only because neighbour is a judge. And I should've known, she being Swiss and all. She took my question seriously and I was informed that in Switzerland, for example, if you have committed a murder and been in jail for like 15 years, you can get one of those.

Ok, so I guess I have to put that idea on the shelf. But at least I got a free salad ;) !

Me gardening?

Today a neighbour rang my door with a sheepish look, and I knew exactly what she was gonna say. The fact that she was also holding her key, was a big tip-off.

But I don't mind looking after their flat for a couple of weeks. After all, I have a vested interest that "my" house is being kept safe.

Nobody of us here would be happy to see an overflowing mailbox or a flat where no lights come on for weeks (timers people is the shit!).

But then she asked "would you mind looking after the garden as well?" And my mind was raising, she cannot possibly mean that she expect me to tend to the garden which would take weeks to do! Luckily she didn't. Phewww!

No, she meant that could I please water the plants, vegetables and flowers once in a while when needed. No problem. Especially since they have salad, which I am welcome to help myself to. Excellent! There are few things I like better than free food.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Monoliths and megaliths

Today I was joining a group of fifteen people, all of us interested in monoliths. Ok, not that I was much before but I guess we've all seen the sign in the forest. Except for the two people working with Zürich city, and forced to be there, and a couple from the water supply department, but still. Let's say ten people came by choice. Not bad considering the little marketing they had done.

And it was kinda interesting. The guide was engaged and had done a lot of research. She also looked the part, like a person who lived outdoor complete with backpack and all. And with a smile on her face.

I'm not the type to necessarily need to know my roots and where humanity came from, but she was talking in an engaging manner, and it is a bit mindblowing to think about what people did like 6,000 years ago. Apparently they liked to raise stones.

Mostly, as I understand it, they did it to bury people under, but also to gather around and it was like a place to meet.

If I got it correctly, and I cannot be sure I did, it was found in the 1930's on my mountain but it wasn't until the 70's that people realized it was something special. They were found when a water reservoir was built. And then promptly moved.

Now, they want to build a new reservoir in a new place, not far away (the old one has done it's job and cannot be repaired) and it has caused great debate, what if they find more stones? And after a build-up of the guide with all the implications it would cause, and how archeologists around the world would be excited, it turned out that the experts found...tadada...absolutely nothing. They had dug all the way down to I-cannot-remember-what-the-layer-of-the-earth-it-was, but not even a bone or remnants of a fireplace was found.

And I gotta say that seeing the stones were a bit of a disappointment. Funnily enough this is a place where I am at a lot, since the Vitaparcours track (almost) passes here, but I never noticed. So I don't think we'll get a lot of Stonehenge-fans coming to visit. Just as well. But I'm glad I went. It was in a funny way interesting, and through the city woman I found out that a lot of excursions are organized by Zürich and most of them for free! Just up my alley.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Better late than never

There are a couple of things I tend to push forward, I know they've gotta be done but I seem to always find an excuse. But today I did them both, and feel really good about myself.

The first one is to scrub the toilet and the sink, and I don't mean just pouring liquid down the bowl and do a quick to-and-fro with the brush, but really scrubbing the whole thing.

The second one is to do admin stuff. I used to excel in it, and I still do, but I don't like it much anymore. There were papers all over the place, invitations (cancer fund and old peoples home), this pension stuff I've been collecting for ze Swiss citizenship thingie including some extremely boring broschures which I tried to read but gave up on, something about my telly not working anymore unless I do whatsit (still there 'cause I never watch telly and couldn't be arsed to read it), an offer to buy solar cells to I guess get cheaper electricity in the future (saved it to be discussed at the next GV), an expired "free candles" voucher, copies to be sent to my insurance company due to my poor health lately, and I dunno what. And this was only the last maybe three weeks.

What wasn't there were bills. They I always take care of immediately, or at least within the next few days. Unfortunately not all are electronic yet, but I don't like being in debt, so that's a priority with me.

And tomorrow is a busy day. Lots to do. And among other things I will do something I never thought I would. If it goes through I'll let you know. Maybe ;).

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Ze Swiss Stonehenge?

Today when in the forest I saw a sign inviting people to hear about the monoliths in "my" forest. To be honest, I haven't seen any stone formations when walking/jogging around there, so I am curious.

Will definitely join, and see what this is all about. However, I have no expectations that it'll be a groundbreaking revelation that will send archeologists and other interested parties to "my" mountain. Just as well. I'm happy to let it stay as is, including the bambis but excluding the shoulder-woman.

Rock'n'roll riding

Yes I was riding last Friday, and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought, considering my bottom. It seems like sitting on a horse was better than sitting on a chair. You  kinda squeeze the cheeks together naturally. And because of the heat we were only galopping for a very short time (I tried to jockey-ride just because :).

And I got to ride my new fav, who looked really cool. I was riding with a new bit and therefore another bridon. He looked rock'n'roll!

In the forest the mighty forest

As my problem has become a little bit smaller, I was out running again today (ok, when I say run I mean powerwalk/jog but actually more jog than the other). Had to do it really early, yesterday it was 38°C and it's gonna be hot again today.

It started out very nice. As I was jogging all of a sudden I looked up and saw a deer just 3-4 meters from me. It was standing so still so I was confused thinking, is it a statue? Then I stopped and silly me started to softly talk to him, just like I do with my cats. He took a couple of jumps and hid behind some trees, but I could still see him and he looked back at me. They must be really used to people. A beautiful sight.

Then something really strange happened. I was jogging along and stopped at a station to do the exercise. A woman running behind me came up to me and said "excuse me, but I saw you running with the weights and your left shoulder is higher than the right". WTF?!? Then she continued to run, but stopped again saying "but just a little". I was stunned. What an odd comment.

Yes I know that my left leg is a little bit longer than the right one, some millimeters or maybe half a centimeter. It's been like that my whole life and has never bothered me. But apparently it bothered her.

Saw her again at the end when we were both drinking water. She smiled and said goodbye, whereas I glared and considered saying "excuse me for not being symmetrical", but I didn't. Instead I ran past her hoping she got a good look at my unsymmetrical self.

Friday, June 05, 2015


Not surprisingly I got an email today, saying that yes they had received my documentation but didn't understand my native language, so could I please explain.

Not sure how it could be much clearer since it on the front page stated the four different ages when I can choose to collect my pension, and with the amounts in bold written below. However, I sent a polite email explaining as best I could.

But it got me thinking. When I was working in the 80's and 90's I had some private insurances, which I lost track of and haven't received any info about for ages. The insurance company no longer exist, but (thanks google!) I found the new owners, sent my personal data over to ask if I was registered with them. An hour later I had the answer. Yes, I have three insurance policies with them, and they will give me money! Money I didn't count on and had completely forgotten.

So I sent it over to ze Swiss lady who is handling my request for citizenship, of course politely explaining that I had forgotten bla-bla-bla, thinking that maybe she'll now be happy enough to submit my request to the higher authorities. But who knows? Ze Swiss are inventive, and she might come up with something else to ask me about. Luckily I have nothing to hide.

And it's worth mentioning, that three emails have been exchanged between me and the insurance company in the last couple of hours. And it didn't cost me a dime!

PS. I still remember, it must've been the late 80's when I got a bonus of the equivalent of maybe 1,000 francs and I chose to put it into the pension insurance, rather than cashing it in, and everybody thought I was crazy. They thought I was too young and should've spent the money instead. Well, who's laughing now?

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Pain in my mind

I dunno what it is, but when my friend was here I felt little or no pain at all. Now she has left, and it's all coming back. I guess it's a combination of talking about something else than my baboon bottom, and the impact of me taking several painkillers and drinking wine, now wearing off.

Nevertheless, I am very happy for her. A protruding belly (rather than my protruding whatsit), and even though she'll be giving birth to another screaming and non-obedient offspring I am actually happy for her. Because it's what she wants.

And with her living in another city, I can calmly sit back and be glad for her on distance.

Swiss XXII

Yesterday I finally got the pension evaluation which I ordered several weeks ago (and surprisingly without a bill, but might come later), and today I sent all the papers in, the private Swiss pension, the so called AHV pension and the money I expect from my native country plus an email to the responsible person, saying (very nicely) that I now hope they got everything they need, and that I one day can call myself a Swissie.

What I think of the process is a whole other ballgame.


Luckily for me I'm having a friend over this evening. I need to take my mind off this baboon thing. And it gave me great pleasure today to prepare a salad with (bought) iceberg, (bought) cucumber, but my own basil, parsley and drum-roll please...radishes! Nobody thought it would work to plant radishes in a flower pot, but voila! There they are.

Doc talk

So I spoke to the doctor, who did the colonoscopy, and told him exactly my view of things. That his procedure has caused my new problem. Not surprisingly he wasn't of the same opinion. He meant that it would've happened sooner or later anyway. Of course I cannot say for sure, but I doubt it. And he meant that it was the prep that caused it, not the actual procedure. Might be, but it's connected in my mind.

He was also a bit condescending I thought, saying things like "imagine you had cancer, and we didn't check it out, then you would've blamed us for not finding it". Hello? I didn't have any problems before, other than that little one, but now I have two. Which is causing me pain, having to take meds and unnecessary cost.

He also told me that this had never happened before to a patient of his, and that the oberdoctor at the hospital was wrong when he told me yesterday that this sometimes happens after a colonoscopy, "maybe the oberdoctor doesn't have the same experience as I do". Hmmm, guess who I believe?

I am not a happy camper right now. However, apparently I am unique.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Yesterday when writing about a baboons bottom I didn't know how right I was. In the evening I started to feel a bit of pain in the area, had some wine (quite a bit actually) since that's my medication against all illnesses. But then it got worse. And worse. And worse.

And I started to get little lumps (still in the area) which grew bigger almost into abscesses. Yikes! So I sent an email late in the evening to the doc's website, saying I'll stop by tomorrow.

Because of pain I woke up at four, and with four hours to wait, I figured I'd go and water the flowers and pick up the post at a friends place, he's on vacation and I promised. I anyway couldn't sit. Strange feeling to be out at six in the morning, but lots of people on the bus. Some people start to work early I guess.

Quarter past seven I was at the doc's office, which still hadn't open and some kind man told me that doc doesn't work today. What!?! So went home and at eight sharp I called the doc's office, who just referred me to my house doc or the hospital. No way will I have my nice house doc look up my arse, so off I went to the hospital again.

It wasn't long ago I was there with my gastritis, and I never used to be sick. It's going downhill!

After having three doctors (!) including the oberdoctor having a good look and poke around (ouch!) I was diagnosed with prolapsing membrane, and given prescriptions for three different pills to take for 14 days! And all because the first doc recommended a colonoscopy which wasn't needed in the first place!

I realize that I should be more persistent and clear when describing my symtoms, and stop being so friggin obedient. If I would've been with the first doc, I wouldn't stand (difficult to sit) here today.

And nowhere in the broschure about the procedure did it say anything about that this could happen. Plus I still have the original problem. Gaaaahhhh! Frustration is the word.

And on Friday I have a riding lesson, and when I asked the hospital about that, doc smiled and said maybe. But even if I have to stuff myself with pain pills I shall ride no matter what. Will give me a chance to stand up like a jockey when galloping :).

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Baboons bottom

So yesterday was a bit uncomfortable. The worst thing was the first 1,5 hour when I had to drink 1,5 liter, and before the evacuation started, 'cause I felt so bloated and swollen. After that it was almost ok, I drank and drank, and ran to the bathroom on and off. No pain which was good, just a lot of drinking and shitting, which made my arse a bit sore. Could've been worse.

I slept well and got up at five this morning. Drank another two liter and same thing happened, only less. Felt like I had a baboons bottom.

This morning I had the colonoscopy done. Took about ten minutes and was a breeze. Ok, when doc pumped air into my belly it was a bit uncomfortable, but I did it without anaesthetics and I could follow the whole procedure on the screen. It was a bit unreal to see my own intestines.

Now to the bad news. Everything was fine and as I suspected the whole thing was unnecessary. However, my problem remains, so now I've been referred to another doc who most probably will do an operation. I don't have haemorrhoids, what I do have is a like a skin tag which is a spot with thickened skin near the opening and which is painful when doing No 2.

So two months later, with the same problem, but with the experience of a colonoscopy (which I could've lived without) and most certainly a bill waiting. Hmm.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Bank bonus for me?

I have had a lot of bank advisors in my day, mainly because I lived in a number of countries and every time had to build up a relationship with a new bank. And trust me, none of them have been good or had my interest at heart. This is perhaps nothing new, everybody is out for themselves, but still. They sell a service, and that ain't good. At the same time they always shield themselves, so nothing is their fault in the end when things go pear-shaped.

Now, I was on minus on my bank account and learned that they charge 3.25% while the bank itself has a negative interest rate. So I reckoned I sell some shares to make up for the negative on my current account.

Imagine my surprise when not only the shares I sold had gone through, but also the fund I wanted to sell and the bank told me I couldn't do until September. This was a surprise, so I sent an email to the bank asking for an explanation.

Turns out not only my bank had done it wrong, but also Credit Suisse. And all transactions were revoked. So I, a mere amateur, found an error made by two major banks. Now I'm waiting for the bonus that I heard that people get in the bank business. Guess I'll be waiting...

A whole lotta shit

Yesterday and today I've been stuffing myself up until two pm this afternoon. Why? I'm doing a colonoscopy tomorrow, and am not allowed to eat after two.

Now, in hindsight, that may not have been the best idea I ever had. 'Cause in an hour I'm gonna have to drink first one liter of a concoction, some powder mixed with water, then another liter of something. The doctor said white wine would be ok, hurray! At least I'd be semi-happy with what most certainly will come after.

Yes, this is when I realized that eating a lot beforehand will have consequences. I expect this evening will be hell.