Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Yesterday when writing about a baboons bottom I didn't know how right I was. In the evening I started to feel a bit of pain in the area, had some wine (quite a bit actually) since that's my medication against all illnesses. But then it got worse. And worse. And worse.

And I started to get little lumps (still in the area) which grew bigger almost into abscesses. Yikes! So I sent an email late in the evening to the doc's website, saying I'll stop by tomorrow.

Because of pain I woke up at four, and with four hours to wait, I figured I'd go and water the flowers and pick up the post at a friends place, he's on vacation and I promised. I anyway couldn't sit. Strange feeling to be out at six in the morning, but lots of people on the bus. Some people start to work early I guess.

Quarter past seven I was at the doc's office, which still hadn't open and some kind man told me that doc doesn't work today. What!?! So went home and at eight sharp I called the doc's office, who just referred me to my house doc or the hospital. No way will I have my nice house doc look up my arse, so off I went to the hospital again.

It wasn't long ago I was there with my gastritis, and I never used to be sick. It's going downhill!

After having three doctors (!) including the oberdoctor having a good look and poke around (ouch!) I was diagnosed with prolapsing membrane, and given prescriptions for three different pills to take for 14 days! And all because the first doc recommended a colonoscopy which wasn't needed in the first place!

I realize that I should be more persistent and clear when describing my symtoms, and stop being so friggin obedient. If I would've been with the first doc, I wouldn't stand (difficult to sit) here today.

And nowhere in the broschure about the procedure did it say anything about that this could happen. Plus I still have the original problem. Gaaaahhhh! Frustration is the word.

And on Friday I have a riding lesson, and when I asked the hospital about that, doc smiled and said maybe. But even if I have to stuff myself with pain pills I shall ride no matter what. Will give me a chance to stand up like a jockey when galloping :).

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