Monday, July 20, 2015

A kg here and a kg there

I know you're dying for an update on my weightloss "journey" - as they call it on biggest loser - but I like to call it my way to a healthier life.

Last week we had a fab dinner with mozzarella, my very own tomatoes and basil, beef tartar for main, as well as a homemade icecream made of raspberries, cream, lemon and some sugar. Sorry I can't have a buffalo or a cow on my balcony, otherwise most of it would've been self-grown.

And I lost 300 grams! I don't get it. I eat more and lose weight.

The next day was an even bigger surprise. I lost half a kg! Ok, so I was jogging in the morning but didn't eat any less than normal. And I've kept it off since.

But there's gotta be a catch, and I think it's called heat. Sweating a lot during the night and considering our bodies consist of...what 60-70%...water, I think that's the answer. There is no way this is gonna last. But if it does, nobody will be more happy than me.

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