Tuesday, November 03, 2015


So I lost the filling in the tooth that was supposed to be repaired, but no way in hell was I going back to the "butcher-in-a-previous-life"-so-called-dentist, so I got recommended a new one. Funnily enough it's just across the street from my old clinic.

Sent an email to the current clinic, asking for my x-rays back. I mean, I paid for them and here in Switzerland you're entitled to keep them at home. Got a phone call back saying I couldn't have them 'cause I hadn't paid the bill. Duuuhhh! Easy answer, I haven't received the bill yet.

Went there today, paid up in cash (having to request a receipt!) and finally got the x-ray pics. It's too bad since my absolute favourite dental hygienist still works there. I know, I could still go back to her, but I now have taken against this clinic.

What surprises me the most is that nobody asked why I wanted the pics back. It's like they don't care about customers. And I've been a patient there since I came to Switzerland (the old clinic, before it was sold). I think it's time for a letter to the owners of the new clinic.

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