Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I finally get it

Or perhaps it's you my friends who don't get it? Here I was, trying to get a demography of my readers. Only to hear from the great sample of 2 people that "well, you already know me, you don't need the answer". Hello? It's a blog remember? Just because I know you doesn't mean that everybody else does. And I do have more than 2 readers (thanks you guys who answered...you're great, just wish my friends would be :). Ok, so the day that all my friends have their own blog...(yeah right that'll be the day)...perhaps they'll understand? Or maybe not. Perhaps myspace and facebook are new ideas to you...or internet :)??


Anonymous said...

'I finally get it'
I have to admit it did cross my mind that you posted that item so you could show to the world the great demographic variation amongst your blog readers, but then (after reading a couple of comments on that post) I thought maybe you really just did want to know who readers were that you didnt already know, and that I'd get a reply like 'yeah, yeah, I know who YOU are'. and the nI got distracted and forgot about it.
so for the sake of it: I'm 30, female and live in Brisbane, Australia

Witchbitch said...

I did want to share the demographic with "the world", but a sample of like 5 people just won't make it.