Friday, August 24, 2007


Been thinking about you readers. You come in different categories. 1. Friends who are compulsory readers and check my blog the first thing you do in the morning. You are my favourites! 2. Anybody who comments. You are also my favourites. And here I like to add that I publish all comments that are not spam. I cannot change the comments, only choose to publish or not. 3. Friends who are occasional readers. Some do it before we are scheduled to meet, so that they can claim they "always" read it :)...and some people who "read up" after not having time or whatever for a week or so. 4. People who google something and my blog shows up on the list. See previous blog items. 5. Some find my blog by accident I guess and like it enough to come back. Thanks for that! 6. The ones who click and then get out. And yes, I can live without you too. Categories 1, 2, 3 and 5 are definitely my favvo's. Keep on coming back!

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