Monday, November 05, 2007

Breast bill

Jeez, got the invoice for the mammography etc today. That is enough to give anybody a heart attack, causing another trip to the hospital. CHF 391,50!! Doesn't that strike you as a little on the expensive side? Strangely enough it seems to be different unit prices for the breasts. I wonder if the left or the right one is more expensive? But I don't care, I like my breasts. Especially when I see what's out there:


Anonymous said...

'Breast Bill"

wow, I really expect a lot to exist in our world but this is almost unbelievable....happy to be not similar to one of those pics

Ze German

Anonymous said...

'breast bill'
that seemed insanely expensive until I remembered that the European comma is our decimal point. but, yes, still not cheap.
Doesn't your health insurance pay it anyway?

Witchbitch said...

Personally I think I looked a lot like the 20-yearolds on the pics :)

Nope, health insurance pays 90% of everything on top of 1,500 CHF. The 1,500 I get the pleasure to pay, keeps my monthly insurance bill down if you can believe it. All the way down to 300...

Anonymous said...

'brest bill'
yes, well, life in CH aint cheap

Witchbitch said...

No, it isn't but it's the place to least for now.