Sunday, November 11, 2007


Since I'm off to see friends on Thursday I had to go shopping. For chocolate. It is really a must when you live in Switzerland to bring chocolate. So went a bit crazy in Denner. For two reasons I shop there and not in the airport. Firstly, it is cheaper and secondly, you can pack it in your suitcase rather than have a carry-on on the plane. Win-win. Confronted with the enormous selection I had trouble deciding and went a bit over the top I must admit. Yes, a piece of that please. And yes, give me that. And please, that too. Ended up with a whole paperbag of schoggi. The trouble is having all that chocolate at home...and guess what? I failed miserably. Now those round golden-wrapped thingies are all gone. Good thing it's Monday tomorrow. Hopefully my better self will make a sudden return!

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