Friday, February 08, 2008


Today I learned that not all gay guys are the same (ok, so I knew that already but got reminded tonight). Was having dinner with a gay friend, and somehow we got into the subject of breasts. Don't ask me why we ended up there but we did. Told him about breasts x-rays, scans and how often you should do it (less often according to Swiss doctors than other doctors), and I was going on about how difficult it is to know since breasts are only consisting of lumps anyway. Guess I should've spotted his disgusted face, but on and on I went until he said "too much information". Ok. But somehow I don't get it. I would be perfectly comfortable about discussing penis problems. It's just a piece of your body, right? But maybe it is like my new favourite website where you can (when registered!) find out all about the cultures and habits in all countries. And whaddayaknow, we are not all the same!


Anonymous said...

yeah what is it about the Swiss doctors saying things should be less often than in other countries. I never would have said the swiss were blasé but...
Still, I admit I'm not complaining I I have to go less often for certain not much fun tests. ah, the trials of being a woman

Witchbitch said...

Yes, shouldn't doctors be more cautious and bugging you to do tests more often?

Anonymous said...

I agree..especially since your chances of surviving cancer, anywhere in your body, is most of the time directly related to how early it is detected. I think it's not necessarily a gay/straight thing..some people don't like hearing about lumps and periods and penises..some do. I for one, would be fine with that topic.

J in the USA

Witchbitch said...

Good to know should we ever run out of topics to talk about :)