Sunday, August 31, 2008


Art. I donnaw. I like it, but only the stuff I can relate to. Like when friends painted something for me that has a meaning. Not because a famous person (always a man, why is that?) painted something that people THINK means something. I mean look at 'the Scream' for example. Looks like something I could've done in preschool.
One of my paintings I appreciate the most is one made by my previous neighbour. It portraits the house where we lived in Denmark in the beginning of this millennium. All the originals are there, everybody from the drunk one, the French one, to the Japanese who were running up the stairs. Plus the pubs where we used to hang out. Not to forget the "pölseman" - the portable wagon who sold hot dogs when you needed it most. Now THAT is my kind of art.
PS. In case you wonder, I'm the one to the right on top! And every sentence on this painting has a meaning only she and I can understand :)


I am indeed a spoiled bitch. Look at dinner today! Homemade for me. But not by me. It was yummy.


Have just been reading an interesting book "Freakonomics". They look into statistics like "What do estate agents and the Ku Klux Klan have in common?" and "Why do drug dealers live with their mothers". They are taking boring stats and turning it into understandable science. Fascinating. They also looked into names given to babies. Their prediction for most popular girls name year 2015 is...tadadada...Annika! I am so before my time...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

It takes all sorts to make a world

Picture this (well you gonna have to since my camera mobile refuse to work with me): a man, a velvet suit jacket, a pointy beard, a Texas cowboy hat, leopard pants, a frilly shirt. Then picture the guy to be about 80 years old. Isn't Zürich fantastic?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ebbe, alytte and oder

Through empiricial studies I hereby declare the above words to be the three most used words in Swiss German. In every conversation they are heard. Despite that I'm not sure I have completely grasped the meaning, but this is my interpretation: Ebbe is used mostly to put emphasis on things, when you really want to say that you agree you go 'EBBE', usually loud. Alytte is an ensurance that you will be in touch, like I'll call you or we'll be in touch. Soon. It's obviously just a saying since ze Swiss are very bad at keeping in touch. Oder is used for confirmation. A sentence has to be ended with 'oder' like a question mark. I think so-and-so, 'oder'? Like they are not sure. Which is probably true. When I went to that Swiss party last weekend I wrote a card for the guy who had got the Swiss passport to say he now has to learn to say "alytte" properly. He looked questioningly at me and said 'a-light'? How the heck did he end up with a Swiss passport?


Got my mobile phone bill today and had some roaming charges, indicating I had been abroad. Not. I haven't been travelling since I was on Tenerife some 6 months ago. Until I realized I was in Italy the other weekend. Funny that. When you live in a little country like Switzerland with France, Italy, Germany, Liechtenstein and Austria in the immediate vicinity it doesn't feel like you're abroad when there. Or perhaps it's me feeling I'm abroad all the time being an immigrant and all...

Last page

The end.

Another weekend - another party

Actually two parties this weekend. First, the party in my part of town Dörflifäscht and another one in the Langstrasse area. If there only was more hours in the day...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coffee machine misery

About 5 years ago I bought a coffee machine from the ex's father for the prime price of around 150 CHF, around 1,000 on the market. Yes, it was one year old but as good as new. Two days ago the friggin machine decided it had it, and refused to release the dreg drawer. Meaning you couldn't get the used coffee out. CG, the self-nominated techie in this household, decided he would fix it. This meant that he got the dreg drawer out, but couldn't get it in again (is there a lesson to be learnt here?). Well, it meant I couldn't get any coffee in the morning, and as we all know, without coffee in the morning it is impossible to function. So I got the ex to come over and fix it. I know he's a fixer, and can get anything working (hehe). He told me I should've cleaned the machine. Me: "well, nobody told me that and it worked for 5 years". Him: "nobody told you to clean your ass either, but you still do it". Hmmm. Not only have I now got a working coffee machine, but I also got a cooked dinner. Now, who's the loser in this story?

Ich wil fucking drogen

On the boat this evening with me was an Aussie friend who has some bad medical history involving radiation and whatsit. He told me that from the moment he realized that one of his balls was a bit "hard" to the time they had a tumor removed was about 3 days. No wonder he didn't get what was going on. Only on the operating table he was told by the surgeon that they were cutting him open from chest down to the split. A bit late to object by then. When he woke up and it wasn't only "a little uncomfortable", still dizzy from the anaesthetic he screamed to the staff "Ich wil fucking drogen"! Now 4 years later this is hilarious.

Sailing through

Boat sailed through the "Prüfung" (test) if you'll excuse the pun. Not that it's a sailing boat. Far from actually. Mine is a cruise-and-party-boat. I don't understand these sailors, they don't seem to know where they're going. And when for that matter. Anyway. Got a bit of a shock when getting to the boat today though. Not only had the person from the company doing the test-thingie forgotten to close up the boat properly (birds had gotten in and shat again) but also left the bill in the boat. 3,200 something swissies. Fukkin hell! Until I realized it was the bill I left there for the renovation done last year. Phew! Mind you, I haven't gotten their bill yet. But not having to do any sort of "Prüfung" again in 3 years might be worth it...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Green toilet paper

Well, to be honest the paper looked blue but hey, it was the Swiss party so could've been green. Not important. The point is blue/green toilet paper? At a guys place? Oh, I donnaw. It just doesn't seem right.
I wouldn't even dream of having coloured toilet paper. Why would anybody? Seriously? Does the shit look better when you wipe it off with a coloured piece of paper? Does pee look blue/green?
Personally I prefer the old-fashioned type of paper that actually sucks liquid up, and do not end up sticking to your you-know-what. But perhaps that's just me.

View from suburbia

Ok so nice to look at, but live there? Nah.


Rivella is some kind of drink, that is said to have something with milk in it. Personally not my favourite, and especially not after the launch today in 20 minutes. I thought it was something wrong with the newspaper when I got it in my hand. The paper was all yellow and looked strange. Turned out to be the launch of this new Rivella flavour, but considering the colour (piss-yellow) I think I pass...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weather forecast

It is indeed looking good this week... Mo 13° 21° Di 12° 24° Mi 12° 25° Do 13° 26° Fr 14° 27° Sa 15° 28° So 15° 26°

Unicorn makes Zürich go dark

Interesting piece of news today in 20 minutes. A unicorn had gotten into an electrical power plant, received about a gazillion volts through the body, promply died and made half of Zürich go completely dark. How am I supposed to know that Eichhörnchen means squirrel and not unicorn?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Swiss party

Tonight it's partytime. An acquaintance of mine is celebrating his getting a Swiss passport. Not sure why he thinks he needs one, since he already has a British and an American one. But who am I to rain on his parade?
Never said no to a party (including free booze) before, and am not about to start now.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Get a life

On the tram today I saw a sticker saying "stop mind control now". Made me think of this old movie with Mel Gibson. Turns out there are people still believing in this shit. Just like people believe in ufo's. Check out the idiots here Makes me think that electric shocks maybe wasn't such a bad idea after all...

Live dangerously

First time I impose on somebody, but I just gonna have to post this pic despite not having asked permission. What is wrong with people? If I was as fat as that (fortunately I'm not. Yet...) I would be desperate to cover it up. Is there really anybody who thinks that's sexy?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Honest blue eyes

That's what I have. Only since I was about 15 and had to wear really awful glasses (oh gad the fashion in those days...I shrink just thinking about it!) I have slightly near-sighted blue eyes. After many years with contact lenses I decided not to take it anymore. Which is why I had an operation. Laser! Imagine that. Having a laser beam slicing your retina flat was not exactly a pleasant experience. It involved a cream that made me feel nothing at the time, and half an hour later scream in agony. Morphine didn't help much, and trust me, I tried. I DEMANDED. I begged. I cried for days. Mind you, not because of the pain, but the eye itself wouldn't stop rinning. And I walked around with sunglasses, which in Oslo (where I lived at the time) wasn't a cool thing to do at eleven in the evening. In a bar. They thought I was playing cool. Playing, huh? I was cool. But not because of the glasses. Anyway, where I wanted to get to with this posting was that I now have glasses only for long-distance purposes. Reading, blogging and looking people in the eye (from short-distance obviously) is fine. Only, I don't look so cool anymore browsing. Yes, it is about 9 years ago since the operation, but I'm thinking (almost seriously) to do it again. Only I remember the excruciating pain and I was hoping that age would reverse the nearsightedness. Doesn't old people need reading glasses? Guess the good news is I'm not old enough. Yet...

Blood pressure

Mine is high. Not quite as high as the guy I went in the ambulance with (230/130 as top score) but too high. Told the ex about it. His advice was "well, all you gotta do is to stop smoking, stop drinking and lose..." at this point I stared at him with my steely blue eyes before he continued "half a kilo". Very nice save. Question is how high can you go before it's too late?


Was out for a bit tonight and ran into this guy who used to have a ponytail. Well, long hair on a grown man doesn't really appeal to me I must admit. Along with piercings and tattoos, it's a real turnoff. Nevertheless, I have to say that after seing him with a hairdo very similar-looking to my 60+ aunt is possibly worse. Good thing I don't have a hairdo to maintain!

Shit on a rope

What can I say? I have friends with peculiar taste in...well, I wanted to say animals, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Other than that its name is...hold shit "Sherlock".
Hairy arms and hairy...something. Think I'm supposed to say "oh, how cute" or similar, but friends who sent me pic know me. I'm honest...for good and bad (and yes, I know I just threw away the invitation to a really good party:).
And I know what's next since they already have a house. Oh dear. Contact me in 18 years, then I'll hit on him...


Life with a German ain't easy. Especially when it comes to jokes. Me: "Predictability is your middle name". Him: "No. Don't you remember my middle name?". Jeez.

Burger King is coming into town

So far Burger King has only had restaurants in Oerlikon and in Kloten airport, at least as far as I know. From today it is now also available in the main station, which I happen to pass almost every day. Forget McDonalds, I can certainly live without them, but Burger Kings burgers are another matter. Sometimes I can get a craving for a Whopper (usually something to do with alcohol intake the day before strangely enough). So today I thought I'd give it a go, given it is the first day open and all. Was kinda hoping for a free something. After having spent 5 min in an ocean of teenagers, watching the staff move at snails pace, if at all, I decided against it. They really have to do a bit better than this! And it's a tiny place! How the heck are they going to cope? What were they thinking about? Didn't anybody do market research? And did they just pick up any unemployed loser to do something as difficult as SERVING A FRIGGIN BURGER!?! Seriously, how hard can it be?

Monday, August 18, 2008


Learned a new thing today. Moobs. What it means? Male boobs of course, so crystal clear once you've heard the explanation. I know several men who have a nice pair...

Will who

Got an sms from a namedropper friend who had just seen Will Ferrell in a restaurant. Will who? Had to wikipedia him, and can honestly say I've never seen the guy in my life. However, judging from the money his movies has made he's probably a tad famous. Despite his looks.


Can't remember if I posted this one before...but it so well illustrates how I feel preparing to go out after a few drinks...

Anzug or Aufzug

German is indeed a very confusing language. I thought that an- meant something on and auf- something off. But it just goes to show how much I know about ze German language. Anzug = suit Aufzug = elevator And to top it all off Zug means train. Where's the friggin logic?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Swiss piece of shit

Got a comment on the blog which I choose to post as an item, since I don't know which item it belongs to. Comment: "SWISS PIECE OF SHIT!! It is not a surprised that the American would not have a drink with you! .... Lets see stay in my room or drink with a BORING LACK OF PERSONALITY UGLY BITCH!! I would choose the same. Get it right! there are a lot of Americans living in your boring country, who really don't give a shit about sharing anything with you! and who if by choice will not be here.... so before you go judging Americans on their weight,their proudness to be who they are, asked yourself one question, do they really give a FUCK about our boring culture or do they just tolerate it?? DUMB FUCK!!!!" HAHAHAHA. I cannot believe the reaction. It's hilarious. From now on you can call me "BORING LACK OF PERSONALITY UGLY BITCH!!". I'm flattered.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Easy pull

Scene: today somewhere in Zürich. A friend and I approach a place, I see a guy and tap him on the shoulder "fancy a drink this evening?". He responds "yes, when and where?", I tell him. Guy 1 looks at me in awe, and finally says: "easy pull, huh?". Here's when I should've told him I've never seen the guy in my life, but instead I'm brutally honest. Sometimes I really wanna shoot myself. And yes, I knew the guy from before. Ended up having a brill evening so in the end who cares?

Womens toilet graffiti

Sex is a game and love a name.
Forget the name and play the game.
Brilliant graffiti in a womens toilet somewhere in Zürich...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Swiss sense of humour

I really hate graffiti, but had to laugh today at this. For the English-speaking it means unnecessary. Indeed!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Did something the other day I have never done before. First, I looked in the mirror. You know, not the looking because you're applying mascara or brushing your teeth but really looked. Scary. Which is probably why I don't do it too often. Anyway. I noticed that my eyebrows weren't too hot. I think the reason I never noticed before is that they are blonde like me, and not much noticeable. Well, now they were. At least one of them seemed to sprout left, right and center. Since I'm an avid reader (NOT!) of beauty magazines I realized there was only one thing to do. Pluck. Knew I had a tweezer somewhere, and found it in the toilet. Only it looked really gory so cleaned. Then went into the bathroom to do the deed, and realized that my tweezers were there. Huh? After a 2-second thought process I realized I just cleaned CG's tweezer, probably used to pluck nose hairs. Yuk! Well, at least now I have nice eyebrows and CG a clean tweezer.

Right thought, wrong action

Tomorrow is carton day in my street, meaning the excellent city of Zürich comes and pick up carton for free. In order to make sure I do not forget to put it all out there I put one carton next to the entrance door before I left. This carton had magically disappeared when I got home, and is currently being transformed into a soggy bunch on the pavement. It is raining like hell. I think this might have something to do with me asking CG how it is possible to practially step over a trash bin on the way out, without taking it to the container. After a month with lots of purchases like dvd-shelves, wine and new computer, I guess he didn't see all the carton left in the kitchen...

PS. Please be aware of that the beer cans to the left have nothing to do with me...

Money buys everything

Once again it has been proved to me that money indeed can buy anything. Like I was worried about that compulsory 'Prüfung' (check-up) I have to do soon with the boat. Finally I had a Heureka moment and spoke to the previous owner, who recommended a company that could do the initial engine check, which is needed before I even go to the Seepolizei. Turns out that not only can they do the engine-control, they can also pick up the boat, take for the check AND do the 'Prüfung'. Plus bring the boat back. Brilliant! All I gotta do is to provide the documentation and the instructions. Fantastic! But yes, it'll cost me a pretty bundle, but hurray for services that can be bought. And people :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Man or mouse

Not sure what I took on the boat today, considering that he didn't jump in the water. Like a real man would've. Or indeed like I did. Too cold my ass. It was at least 22°C. MOOOHHAHAAAHAAA!

Nobody home

Remember the guy with the underwear? Well, he showed up again today. Why is it that men don't understand when enough is enough? I really don't need them to show that the fabulous body is all they have to offer. I don't need to know that the brain is not switched on. I would've been much happier with the memory. It's like a one-night-stand. They should learn to go home before you wake up all miserable and hangover. I don't need to serve breakfast, or in the ex's case dinner and then he stayed for 2 years. It's a rule to be observed! Short is sweet. Except for maybe certain body parts :)

Bad choices

You know about bad choices you make in life. You don't need it being rubbed in, like when I told my friend the other day how stupid she'd been driving drunk. Fortunately she got in an accident (nobody hurt) and is now suffering from not having a driving license. Good! Anyway, you normally know when you've done something stupid, and don't need others telling you. Like somebody I used to know said to me: "you zigged when you should have zagged". How true. Did today. Only this time it wasn't my fault. Going home from street parade after the last bus but realizing public transportation was still on. Hurray! Especially since there were no taxis around. So hopped on the nearest tram (figuring my bus wouldn't go anyway) only to get stuck at the next station. One of the doors wouldn't shut properly or something. Being stuck in a tram with about 3,000 other people is not my favourite pastime. Finally after about 15 min a guy opened the door with the emergency handle. Phew. So had to walk home, which would've been quicker without the detour. And did I mention I watched my bus from the tram? The one that goes straight home. Me not a happy person. All this exercise is gonna kill me!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Street parade

It's time again for the street parade. I tell you, it is one party after the other in Zürich. Street parade Motto this year is friendship.


Spending hours in Mendrisio, the shopping center with Dolce Gabbana, Versace, Gucci, Armani and the likes I found absolutely nothing that appealed to me. Mind you, it might have had something to do with 32°C and poor air conditioning. Or as a friend of mine said "they probably didn't have anything in pink". Could also be true. Thought about it today when running in to the gay guys from yesterday. They have impeccable taste in fashion. I am totally not interested. I should be. I don't look that bad, I could look much better dressed up. But I just cannot be bothered. Yesterday though when shopping for new bottles for my soda machine in Manor, I kinda ran into a frock. A frock for gods sake! And I bought it. I cannot decide whether it looks ok or just funny. When wearing it think I'll say "it's D&G from Mendrisio". Think it'll fly?


Was out this evening and ran into a guy I hadn't seen for a long time. He reminded me that I blogged about him last street parade which is exactly one year ago. I wrote something that he would be my type if he was 10 years younger. This guy doesn't speak English so he took the trouble of copying my text into a German translator tool, and tonight I was informed that he actually understood what I said. One year ago. Well, moving on...

Some progress

But knowing ze Swiss, they're probably on holiday. I could see some changes since last time, but I donnaw. Will this be ready next summer?

Friday, August 08, 2008

Eat this!

Todays games on Monkey: Name Score Date 1. Annika 57870 August 8, 2008 2. Annika 55500 August 8, 2008 3. Annika 53030 August 8, 2008


I don't know about you, but there are about a million things I'd rather do on a Friday evening than going to Ikea. But when I get a lift I cannot be picky. Need two more dvd-shelves to store the increasing amount of movies and even new cd's (ACDC, approved?). Hopefully it won't be too painful.


Few things make me really angry. Forget kids (or negligent parents), ignorance and non-communication. That's nothing compared to how I feel when somebody mess with my computers. I cannot stand when other people use them. It ALWAYS messes things up. And I really wonder how Swisscom can give a change of password for my modem to a stranger. Shouldn't there be some type of control questions before a password is changed on MY modem? After all, I'm the one paying the bills. Coming home yesterday in a really good mood with the underwear pics I wanted to post immediately. Not having to try both my computers to find out that none of them worked. I really didn't sleep well at all. Guess it was because my blood was boiling from being angry. Maybe it's stupid, but my computers are mine and mine only!

Do you wanna marrie me?

Proposal by sms. And thanks but no thanks. I'm not gonna marry somebody who cannot spell.


Telemarketers. I tell ya, they are worse than the people working as parking police, you know the ones that give you a ticket if you have one wheel outside the line or parked 5 min too long. Hate'm. When a telemarketer calls I let them rattle on for 2 secs, then tell them I'm not interested and hang up. Know what happens? They call back, so that I can say "which part of I'm not interested did you not understand?". Thickheads.

More underwear

Once in a while a prime specimen of homo sapiens walks into my place. The two gay guys there did everything in their power to make him show as much flesh as possible, which I certainly didn't object to. Tall, nearly 2 meters, tanned, muscular (even though the gays wanted to send him to a gym), cute and not too young. Hmmm...perhaps I should've...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ze Swiss and ze foreigners

Spoke to the ex who thought CG getting caught was hilarious. He always had a strange sense of humour (although it is kinda like my sense of humour :). Since CG was told that should he be caught again with a knife in the car he would no longer be welcome back into Switzerland, ex suggested we'd place a knife in his car. Just for fun. Me: "You don't like any foreigners do you?" Ex: "I don't even like people from Basel". Me: "Well, they are a bit strange aren't they?" And then we both laughed. I am definitely becoming more and more Swiss every day!

Caught in customs

Or custody as CG insists on calling it. He came back yesterday having been stopped in customs at the Swiss border. In the trunk they found a knife, which apparently is forbidden to bring into Switzerland. Which is funny, since ze Swiss make it their business to export knives, and it's part of their image. But I guess it was the wrong kind of knife. After having found this they did a full body search "they touched my privates!" and kept him in a room guarded by a military policeman for hours (it kinda holds a certain appeal to me though :). Eventually he was released but had to pay 300 Swissies in penalty. He was not a happy man coming home. "That knife travelled the world with me, I have cut Turkish tomatoes and bananas in Bali with it". Well, it won't be travelling much more. I tell ya, ze Swiss love ze rules.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Not keen on bugs. At all. CG is still in Germany on some kind of holiday. He should be here when I need him.
There is only one thing I like less, and that is when the bug has moved and I don't know where it is!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Underpants dilemma

When you live with somebody and occasionally wash together you don't want to appear like white trash by wearing trashy underwear. Mind you, that seems to apply only to women but since I am one I care about this. So today when I bought two new undies I decided it was time to throw some of the old ones away, both for the purpose of making space and throwing away what I don't use anyway. Only it didn't work. I held up an old pair and said to myself that they didn't look bad. Problem is can I give away used underware to the "more needy"? I really don't want to throw away a pair that is not trashed. And since I bought all these new fancy undies I know I won't use them again. What a dilemma! I need advice.

Say no more

On the hard level on monkey-game: Today Name Score Date 1. Annika 51610 August 5, 2008 2. blajhhhhhhhhhhhh 42350 August 5, 2008 3. Jen 38270 August 5, 2008 4. Steven 36630 August 5, 2008 5. Beaver 36000 August 5, 2008 6. Ronin 33600 August 5, 2008 7. kayla 33390 August 5, 2008 8. Enter NHere 31860 August 5, 2008 9. memento 31270 August 5, 2008 10. lala 31090 August 5, 2008

Monkey games

Found a new game which is rather addictive. Type as fast as you can so that you won't get bombed. Monkey

Piles and piles

I just don't know where all the piles of paper come from. Seriously. I spent hours today going through some of them, throwing paper away from 2005. Why did I think it was important at the time to save them? Or more likely I just put them aside, and started a new pile. I cannot wait until I get my new open fireplace. That'll take care of the papers.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Italian train

I choose to believe that the train from Lugano to Zurich (and vice versa for that matter) is Italian. The old-fashioned type where you still can open the windows (mind you, not bad for having a fag now and then). Unfortunately they still have the toilets where you can shit straight out on the rails. Less charming I must admit. My aunt says it's from the 50's and I'm inclined to believe her.


Lugano is not a bad city. I've never really visited properly, just had lunch once by the lake and been to the train station a couple of times. It's like being in Italy, but not quite. Most people speak both Italian and German. A bit weird actually.
But the view is fab.


In Verona there were posters advertising Shakespeare's "Amleto". Italian is so cute. And of course we had to do the touristy thing again, since two of the joiners had not seen the balcony before. Here she is, the famous Juliet (mind you, why every tourist must caress her breast is beyond me...I would never!).

And these days you're allowed on the balcony, which is why I had to wait forever to get a pic on the empty balcony. I didn't want some German, Japanese or any other nationality showing its ugly face on my pic.

Losing ones marbles

If you have to, Italy is the place. And these are just the streets!

Appearance is everything

In Italy it is perfectly accepted to have Gucci sunglasses, an Armani suit and preferrably a really cool car, while being male, 35 years old and live with Mama. Everything on the outside means something in Italy, even if you're as thick as cardboard inside. Looks are the thing.

This is worrying after todays visit to Mendrisio, a big outlet in Ticino, the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, where Bro picked up an Armani suit.

What he doesn't know is that I took the liberty of taking a few pics of his underwear hanging to dry...
PS. He would quite possibly kill me if he knew I blogged about this. Good thing he never reads the blog...

Modern candles

One of the special things at this opera is that every visitor gets a candle. Think it was a donation at some time. However, in these modern days the candle is substituted for a blue laser-pointer. Quite cool actually, since everybody beams just before the start of the performance, as well as being able to use the laser for reading the libretto during. Not a bad idea.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

La donna è mobile

If you ever get a chance you should visit Verona and go to the opera held in the ancient amphitheater. It is gorgeous and it's quite magic. The only downside is that they use no microphones, so even though the acoustics are great, it could benefit from being a bit louder.

Pics from afternoon, an hour before start and just before the performance.
PS. The headline means "Woman is fickle", which I suppose one or two men would agree with.

Park in Varese

The same park (with the bicycle) held some interesting buildings and a very very old tree.

Biking in Varese

Seemingly there is some sort of bike-race coming up in Varese, the very north of Italy. Not quite the Olympic Games but they appear to be rather proud of it.

Elevator Italian-style

Italy is not quite like Switzerland (and why would it?), especially when it comes to safety. Came across this tiny elevator. You know the one where you have to close the outer door and the two inner doors before the thing starts moving. Looked for the sign which is supposed to say when they last inspected it, and non-surprisingly found none. Hmmm.

Polish party

For some reason I ended up at a Polish party in Italy. The world is truly global these days. There I had the pleasure of trying a local speciality including vodka, raspberry syrup and tabasco. Quite good actually. So good I had 3 of them. Dangerous little devils though, so stopped there and went over to wine instead. Forewarned is forearmed.

Lots of delicacies like beetroot soup, mushroom and little bites that I don't know exactly what they were. But never mind, they tasted good.

They had a funny bathroom. It had a window facing...oh I don't know, like a shaft or something but with a window opposite. How weird!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Swiss national day

Ironically enough I'll leave for Italy on the Swiss national day. I'm told I've to go to a Polish party tonight, and tomorrow is the opera in Verona.
On Sunday is the plan to go to Mendrisio, the big designer outlet. But me and shopping? Well, maybe I'll find something. Look out for pics when I'm back.