Thursday, January 29, 2009


For the moment, while it's still cold and dark outside and not so attractive to go out all the time, I have gotten into social conscience programs on tv. I have watched the suicides I wrote about before. I have seen a program about Spanish stray dogs that are adopted by naive Scandinavian people. The dogs are born and bred in a kennel in southern Spain under awful circumstances, being issued false EU dog passports, transported up north with up to 30 dogs in a van and sold to people who think they help. Unfortunately these dogs have not had necessary shots, and many of them have for example "leishmania" (not sure how it's spelled). All that Scandinavia needs is a carrier like the sand fly, which used to exist only in underdeveloped countries, but have now spread as far north as Germany and will probably make its entrance into Scandinavia soon. Then this disease will spread to human beings. It can kill. I saw the interview with bishop Richard Williamson from the "catholic" group SSPX, who is now under investigation after an interview in Swedish television. He belongs to a group who has been banned by the Vatican church, and a group that is highly conservative. However, the group denies the views of good ol' Richard, who claims the holocaust has been made up and that "there were no gas chambers". Interestingly enough the Vatican church lifted their ban a few days after the interview was aired. Yeah, the Vatican is really with the times... Also watched a program about low-income people who live in poor condition in western Europe, in a house with cochroaches, leaking pipes, mould, in complete misery going on 10 years without the society, the building-owner or anybody else doing anything about it. Until it was shown on tv! Another program was about a foundation who's aim was to give the profit to research, but where too much of the money ended up in the heirs pockets. Big surprise. NOT. You see! I'm not just into dr House and West Wing...


Anonymous said...

hmm, that thing about the dogs is interesting and bizarre. Even the world of pet dogs is screwed up and corrupt. Dog EU passports?! So odd that there is enough of a market for 'stray' Spanish dogs in Scandanavia that this whole system would be set up.

Witchbitch said...

Oh yes, the woman who runs the dog "business" has made millions, partly from selling the dogs, partly from donations to her "foundation".