Monday, January 19, 2009

Suicide is painless

...was a song once in the tv series Mash if I remember correctly. Saw a program tonight on people committing suicide, very interesting indeed. The point was that the internet today is available with complete guides as how to kill yourself, and many suicides are apparently done on an impulse. Luckily only 10% of the people trying to kill themselves "succeed", the rest are cries for help. They interviewed a guy who had given advice to a 23-year-old who did kill himself, and it was apparent that this guy didn't completely understand what he had done. In his eyes he didn't have any responsibility. And this was debated. Anyway, one of the guides holds a poem that gives food for thought. Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp; Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. - Dorothy Parker.


Anonymous said...

'suicide is painless'
I recently read an article about a published guide book on how to commit suicide painlessly by taking a drug that is apparently available very cheaply and over the counter in Mexico, and a woman who travelled to Mexico to do it only the drugs didn't work properly and she ended up in intensive care in some dodgy Mexican hospital racking up huge debts for her family and eventually dying painfully from complications. The guy who wrote that guide book also reckoned he didnt have any responsibility.

Witchbitch said...

This is a difficult issue, not much debated. On one hand you are responsible for your life (and death), but the pain you cause for others by killing yourself should be enough not to.

I understand that Australia have laws against assisting, helping, guiding and giving advice, which has reduced the suicide rate.

Anonymous said...

yes, we do have such laws, but I'm its not always a good thing - when it comes to Euthanasia for people who are suffering and have no chance of recovery. Euthanasia was briefly allowed in the Northern Territory but its not anymore.

Witchbitch said...

Agreed. Euthanasia should be allowed.