Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gavin&Stacey third series

Well I got the dvd delivered last Saturday and watched one episode before I went to a party. Then two more episodes after I got home. Went to sleep at 2 in the morning, woke up at 9 and continued watching. Some people would say I'm addicted. Then I watched it another two times. Turns out neighbour is just as hooked. She has borrowed the first two series and seen them about 3 times. Now gagging for the 3rd series, which I generously lent her :). It's nice to share the same sense of humour...what's occuring? Tidy! Lush!


Anonymous said...

this has just started being aired on TV here and I was looking forward to it 'cos I knew someone had told me it was good but couldnt remember who, now its all come back. But I've gotta say I was disappointed after watching it. some amusing bits, but its kinda lame, what am I missing?

Witchbitch said...

The humour?

Anonymous said...

well thats what I mean - it isnt really there

Witchbitch said...

Loads of people beg to differ. Watch in again!

Anonymous said...

yes, but loads of people think Little Britain, Adam Sandler or David Letterman (???!) are funny and they're all wrong. Popularity is no measure of quality, but I'm willing to put this one down to different strokes for different folks.

Witchbitch said...

We have to agree to disagree on this one. I think it's the best series since Absolutely fabulous.