Thursday, December 03, 2009

Happenings on a Thursday

I love being at home. And I honestly think that going out is overrated. Especially when you can have people, dramas and drinks where you live. Excellent. Like tonight. Some friends dropped by. Fortunately I always have chilled white wine in the fridge. Then a neighbour stopped by and promptly stole two of my friends to go and have a look at the baby next-door. I will refrain from writing what I thought of that here. After chatting to the remaining friend for a while, she all of a sudden went stiff, started breathing funny and stared straight out in space. Good thing I know she has epilepsy, but gotta admit I'm not that experienced with diseases. What to do?!? I hugged her, I offered her some water, I opened the balcony door for fresh air. After a little while she came to. Unknown stuff is scary, but when it's about friends I think you instinctively do what is right. At least I hope so!


Anonymous said...

It is not a disease!!!!! It s a disorder or condition! :-)
But you were very kind and caring! Thanks babe!

Witchbitch said...

Ok, so you told me that in no uncertain terms. DISORDER, DISORDER, DISORDER, I shall remember.